White Magician 0.2

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After he was born

When he was born, he was told that he did not cry. His tribe believed he was the bringer of bad omen. Disaster did come crashing into the village for a visit. Crops started to fail and the people became sick. Everyone had blamed him and his mother was no different since she hated him for being a different color.

It was when he had turned nine, he was about to be lynched when he felt like he had enough and let out a strong pulse of mana. The pulse was enough to knock them out since it would mess their ears. He just walked and left the village just like that, never once turning back. No, he did turn back once and yelled out, "FUCKING IMBECILES! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER MOTHER FUCKING SAVAGES!"

Not that they heard him. They were knocked out after all.


... He also kind of might have casted a spell making them unable to come out of that place... forever? He did not remember that well since it was a long time ago...

Well, they most likely went extinct...


Sorry not sorry.

Anyway, he threw away his tribal name he was forever stuck with, Bargega, and changed it to Opal when he realized he could solidify his mana and turned it into mana stones. His mana stones looked like opal. He never saw one but now he knew where that knowledge came from.

Long story short, he spent his life by involving himself with wars, drinking with beings that he probably should not involve himself with, picking up abandoned 'dogs,' building a white tower in Obelia Empire, trying having a family which he later left, being bothered by the uncle of the Black Tower, and in the end, casting a spell to hide the White Tower and secluding himself there to make dolls.

His dolls and subordinates took care of him. For whatever reason, they would bring him food, comb his unruly hair, dress him and love him — the dolls acted like they loved him. His subordinates came and went. They always changed. Whenever he asked about them, Ariel or Quartz would reply they went on a journey. Opal only nodded and hoped they returned safely.

The magicians and dolls were allowed to go out of the tower. They were able to return since Opal would implant an Opal Stone (Opal's mana stone) whenever a magician was recruited and when a doll was brought to life. It was probably one of those excursions that made Ariel suddenly act like it was Opal's child. Ariel would always be by his side and act childish and playful while it would also act like an older brother to the other dolls.

Taking up that persona, one day, Ariel had witnessed the imperial massacre. Apparently, he was there to witness the soon-to-be emperor killing his older brother. Soon there would be a coronation and the soon-to-be emperor would show his face to the public. Opal showed a little interest in the story. It was normal for royals to kill one another for power but it was a first in Obelia. The master of the White Tower remembered the Obelian family to be full of support for one another. He wondered what had tainted that legacy. Maybe it was because Ariel noticed his interest that it started to whine and beg to go see the coronation.

"You are in a good mood, Papa?" Ariel asked, "You are humming."

Opal touched his lips. He realized he had a wide smile.

"Ah, now I know why my face was hurting..."

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself, Papa," Ariel said in a hurry. Opal raised a brow and tussled Ariel's brown locks of yarn.

"It is all thanks to you."

The Dolls

There were a total of seven dolls.

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