White Magician 1.5

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Slipping Through

Claude ran after Opal.

The feeling that if he did not catch him now, then he would not be able to see him for a very long time. His heart would not allow that. He couldn't allow that.

They had reached a clearing of the lake but Opal did not stop and was heading straight to the lake. Panic of the disaster that would happen, Claude was about to grab Opal's wrist until the ground started to shake. Claude fell and watched as Opal ran over the water and land started to form in the middle of the lake.


Claude screamed for the White Magician but Opal did not look back once.

Plant started to grow around the land as Opal stepped on it and blocked Claude's view. A barrier formed around the land Claude could only watch in confusion. Confusion of why Opal was acting this way and why this was happening and why it had to happen.

Opal had slipped through his grasp like sand.

Master and Baby Master

All the dolls stilled and paused from what they were doing before standing up and made their way out to their father. When they arrived, they saw a small island in the middle of the lake. Knights were on boats and the emperor was calling out for Opal.

Ariel, who was carrying Topaz, landed on the land along with his siblings without outsiders to notice. They were able to go through the barrier mainly because Opal's heart allowed it.

In the small island, there was a small cabin and surrounding it were big shrubs to cover it protectively.


Quartz called out as she looked around looking quite worried. She stepped into the small cabin. It seemed like it had a small kitchen and two rooms.

"Papa, we also brought Topaz."

Ariel added white he detected Opal's mana before making his way there. The rest followed accordingly.

"Papa, guess what!"

"Dear Pearl came back from her trip! She even brought two nameless children."

Alex and Xander chimed in. They saw their creator staring blankly outside the window. From there, they could see the emperor calling out at the entrance but the sound could not break in. It was all one sided, like a one way mirror. From the emperor's side, although they could see the shrub walls and the entrance, they would not be able to see the people inside. While from their side, they would be able to see everything but would not be able to hear anything.

Ariel knew that Opal's barrier had a lot of influence on its users' desires. Right now, Opal wanted to see Claude but he did not want to listen to him or hear what he had to say.

"Papa... names... another day..."

Pearl spoke up. She wanted to say that Opal did not need to give them names if he didn't want to.

Opal remained unresponsive. It was a sight Ariel had once seen before and that was after Opal had his memories erased by the eldest son. Even though with his memories erased, Opal knew he had lost someone and he kept making dolls. Ariel was aware that Opal did not remember much of the past but he understood much of Opal's actions.

Even though the reasons why they were made had excuses, Ariel was well aware of the fact that all the dolls, except for him, were made because of Opal's regret. Opal made Ariel for the eldest and Ariel acted for the reason he was made.

He made Quartz to redeem himself for what he could have done for the eldest. For that reason, Quartz acted somewhat like the eldest. She got married and had a child.

He made Alex and Xander because Quartz wanted them but also because he could have given the eldest siblings but never did. They acted a bit unreasonable and caused trouble once in a while for Opal to rescue them because he could not help the eldest child.

Pearl was made because of them but also because he regretted something that no one but Ariel and Quartz were aware of. He regretted not saving the Saintess Esperanza and their child. Which was why Pearl would set out and find children that needed to be looked after and brought them to the tower.


Ariel called out as he kneeled in front of Opal. The siblings followed their brother and kneeled. They were Opal's regret but each one of them prayed for Opal's happiness.

"I see we have a little brother to look forward to..."

The eldest child continued as he looked at his master's stomach. Ariel was really looking forward to seeing this child. A child that was connected to Opal by blood. How precious that was. The thrill he felt when he heard of Opal's pregnancy could not compare to the thrill he was feeling right now.

"It's okay, Papa. We will take care of you and this child."

Opal did not respond and Ariel held his smile as he turned to his siblings.

"Pearl, train the new ones to become our youngest sibling's aide. Alex and Xander, prepare any necessary army to keep them protected. Quartz have your connections with other nobles under your leash. We need to have them protected from other nobles. I will stay here to take care of Papa's needs and work on the documents here."

Like that, the dolls were set on their new mission. They were looking forward to their baby master.

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