White Magician 2.1

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Opal looked at his reflection in the mirror and Claude watched him do so. While the magician did look quite surprised, he didn't say much. He was not panicking. It was like he had accepted it if the way he was relaxing at the moment was any sign.

"You said... I am your consort?"

Opal turned to look at Claude and the emperor nodded. The emperor wondered if Opal did not believe him but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Well, Helios does look a little like you..."

The White Magician hummed without sparing Claude a glance. This kind of Opal was new to Claude. The Opal who had lost his memories was very... apathetic to everything except their son, Helios.

"I want to see Helios."

Opal suddenly said as he turned to Claude. Claude could do nothing but grant what Opal wanted.


Athanasia awkwardly looked at the crying Helios.

After the incident on the island, they had arrived Helios's room (it did not escape Athanasia's eyes that it was grander than her own room), they had fallen right asleep because of the exhaustion they felt from being surprised all the time. She was later woken up by the sniffling and sobbing of Helios. Apparently, the boy had woken up and just started to cry.

"Helios, you have to stop crying or you'll shrivel up."

Topaz tried to stop the boy from crying.

"I don't want thaaaaaaaat!"

It just made the boy cry even more.

Athanasia bit her lips but moved to pull her bag of treasures. She picked out the prettiest ruby and showed it to him. While it did pain Athanasia to give her treasures (she needed them to sell them after escaping the palace), it seemed to do its trick since Helios focused on the small ruby. Giving him one won't hurt...

"I will give you this if you stop crying."

Helios hiccuped as he nodded and took the ruby in his hand.

Athanasia wondered who the boy was. He was clearly not the Emperor's son since he called the other man "Papa," right? Was he an important prince from a distant land or was he noble's son that need to be looked after?

"I am sure your Papa will be okay. He was most likely tired."

"You think?"

Athanasia nodded.

Suddenly, there was a knock on Helios's door.

"Your highness, his majesty has called for you."

"U-Um! I'll be right there!"

Helios answered as he gave Athanasia glances.

"I-I have to go... I will see you soon?"

Athanasia smiled happily.


Helios smiled and got off the bed with Topaz right behind him. Athanasia watched Helios open the door.

"Ah, your highness! You could have just told me to open the door for you."

"... You have the brain to do that? Last time you slammed it open..."

"Your highness..."

Athanasia heard the other person sniff and the footsteps of them walking away.

"It's okay Felix. Papa taught me how to open doors. I will show you how too!"

Once the sound of their footsteps had disappeared, Athanasia giggled at the weird flow of their conversation. Today, she was planning to go to the unused palace to hide her goodies but she had forgotten the trowel to dig so she was returning.

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