White Magician 0.8

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Meant To Be

There were times when Shion wished to be born a woman. He hated his body.

There were times Shion wished to be kind and gentle. He was disgusted with his character.

Shion wished to be made for Claude. He abhorred his existence.

What destroyed him the most was that he knew that even if he was a woman, was as kind and gentle like the spring wind, and was a perfect replica of that woman, Claude would not even bat an eyelash at Shion.

Claude would live like normal even without meeting Shion. It did not matter if Shion was there or not.

So, Shion watched as the two loved each other like it was meant to be, like they were meant to be. If Shion had to describe the way he saw them then the most simple way was, if there was a box of puzzles with only two pieces, then those two pieces would be them and them alone. In their world, no other pieces were allowed and two of them fitted each other so perfectly that no one could get between them.

Jealousy was the only thing Shion felt when he caught glimpses of them. The reason for this disgusting and heart aching feeling that just clawed itself on his chest was because he was in love with Claude and he could never be the perfect piece for his heart.

Even as he watched the love of his life give her a gentle but nonexistent smile, Shion could do nothing but swallow cluttering feelings and smile widely as he forced himself into their world.

They were meant to be.

"Hey, Claude! What are you doing over there?"

Finally those beautiful eyes turned away from his perfect lover and were focused on him. It was apathetic but that was fine. Even then, Shion drowned in the attention he was given.

The only thing that was on his way to Claude's heart was that woman.

They were meant to be.

White Mage and the Concubine

Opal stared at the smiling light blond concubine.

"Sir Opal, today, I prepared tea that I frequently enjoyed back in my country. I wish to share one of my joys with you."

Opal wondered if she actually meant 'I will share something I enjoy with you because it is pitiful you don't enjoy anything in life excluding Claude' behind her words. Seeing her innocent smile, Opal coldly stared at her.

"Take your flower water away from me and stay away from me."

Diana giggled as she scooted closer to the mage. Opal could help but feel conflicted.

The woman had been coming over to his room only to invite for a walk outside or for tea time. She did not seem to get tired doing it everyday but Opal was getting tired dealing with her. No matter how cruel he was to her, she just came back like a fly would stick to spoiled food.

Today, Diana had caught him on his time alone in the green house. Opal was enjoying the warmness until he heard the glass door open. The little brat had somehow caught wind of his plans.

"Don't get any closer, woman. You stink!"

Diana paused and scooted a little bit away. She had an understanding smile and eyes full of pity. It was insufferable!

"Why do you keep coming back like a lost dog?"

The blond woman giggled as she ordered the maids to prepare tea for two while totally ignoring Opal's remark of not planning to have the flowery drink.

"Geez, I've told you to call me Diana. Also, you remind me of my grandfather."

Opal raised a brow and waited for her to continue.

"My grandfather was very apathetic, cold and did not like leaving his home, but he helped people whenever he did leave his home. I was one of the few people he helped and even made an effort to visit."

The Master of the White Tower frowned as he felt some sort of dejavu.

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You remind me of him."

"You remind me of him."

Slitted eyes sharpened and growled at the abrupt pain in his head

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Slitted eyes sharpened and growled at the abrupt pain in his head. His hands shot up to hold his head that suddenly felt heavy. Diana suddenly seemed to look different. Her voice was also different. Everything was but it was only for a blink of an eye that Opal could not grasp a clear picture.

"Sir Opal?!"

Opal heard called out in concern from a distance. How weird... was she not just in front of him?

"Shut up..."

His throat felt so tight and stomach was feeling like explosives were set on fire. The White Magician wanted to be alone.

"Someone! Someone call the physician!"

"Ugh, shut up woman! Felix! Felix! Where are you, muscle for brains!"

The White Mage shouted as he covered his ears to block out the screaming concubine. She was panicking too much and it was really not helping. This was the first time he had a headache.

Were headaches this painful?

Annoyance and anger built up as time kept ticking and there seemed to be no sight of the redhead grandson.


Diana yelped as she fell on the ground along with other maids and attendants.

The door slammed open and the redhead he was seeking for had arrived along the blond emperor. They were clearly alarmed.

"Gra- Sir Opal?!"

Felix was quick to be at Opal's side.

"What is going on?"

Claude questioned and he too, was at the White Magician's side and took his hand.

The White Master suddenly felt awkward with Claude. It was weird. Opal found it strange how Claude had this concern filled look in his eyes. Those eyes which were usually saved for Diana and never for Opal... or was it Shion?

"I... my room... I need to be in my room..."

Felix was about to carry Opal but Claude snuck his arm between Felix and Opal. His eyes glared at the knight. His intention was clear to the knight.

"I will carry my consort and escort him to his room

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"I will carry my consort and escort him to his room. You stay here and examine the situation."

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