White Magician 3.1

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"I'm sorry to have made you worry," Opal said in a whisper.

He could feel Felix be surprised by his laxed demeanor but it was not something Opal minded. Opal had something more to worry about.

The previous White Master pulled away from the red headed knight and gave him one last look before opening the doors to Claude's study.

Even though the emperor of Obelia most have known of Opal's presence, Opal found Claude with wide eyes as the magician open the door. Opal smiled albeit awkwardly. He didn't know how to face Claude now the he remembered everything so his eyes drifted to the floor as he made his way to stand in front of Claude.

"... Should I call a physician to check on your health?"

Opal swallowed a snicker at Claude's odd way of asking about his wellbeing but shook his head.

"I am good."

The silence ensued again. Opal could still feel Claude's eyes on him. There was so much to be said... no, actually there was not much. Opal was a sinner and there was not much sinners could do. It was either they confess their sins and live repentance or they disregard their sins and forget about it. Obviously, Opal could not forget. The was too grave that it shaped him to be who he was today.

"Claude," Opal broke the silence. He looked up and saw the emperor looking back as if he was ready to listen to whatever Opal had been hiding.

Maybe it was how relaxed Claude form was or the way his eyes showed no signs of judgement that Opal just started to speak. He told Claude of his wife and son and his family, of Athanasia and of his past life.

Opal was going through his memories that he did not realized how time was ticking or how Claude had stood up and took his hand because he was done, Claude and Opal were sitting on the sofa and the room was dark with few candles lit up.

"I cannot apologize."

Opal whispered.

"Not because I do not feel like I have committed a sin but because my sin is too grave that it cannot be forgiven."

"Even if I say that I do forgive you?"

Claude asked nonchalantly.

"No, even more so if you do forgive me."

Claude hummed as if he was trying to gather his words and Opal waited patiently for his response.

"... I don't remember of the past life you are talking about but I did have some dreams. I dreamt about being in so much grief but at the same time feeling just so hollow. I could clearly feel the sand beneath my feet and the prickly cold water just washing over them..."

Claude paused for a moment and closed his eyes as if to take in the memory he was remembering.

"... I knew."

Opal tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew... or I feel like I knew that my daughter was alive and that person was taking care of her behind the scenes. I felt secure she was being taken care of and that person would keep doing so. I felt reassured that everything would be fine and I could leave with peace in mind."

Claude opened his eyes looked at Opal who was slowly paling.

"In my dream, I had one regret. It was leaving that person behind."

Claude took Opal's hand in his own and gave it a light squeeze.

"If it is punishment from me you wish, then I believe you have been punished enough by the grief I left you when I left. Even so, if that isn't enough, then I ask for you to stay by my side and repent until my last breath."

Opal was feeling rather... overwhelmed?

It was multiple of feelings mushed up together to the point he had no idea what feelings were mixed up to begin with. However, he could pinpoint one feeling. He felt like he was blessed. How could he not love such a gracious person.

Opal saw Claude reach out and brush his fingertips against the magician's cheeks. Looking closely, Claude's fingertips were slightly wet. That was when Opal realized, he was crying. Was it relief? Opal was not sure but he smiled.

His sin was still heavy on his shoulders but it was not suffocating now. He could repent and he would repent. Claude would be there watching him and so would be Athanasia and his children.

"Thank you, Claude."

Opal could barely stop the shaking in his voice and he, too, held tighter onto Claude's hand.

He was not sure when Young Won, Anastacius, be reborn but Opal had a feeling it would be after fate decided that Opal had repented truthfully and fully.

For now, although he was being punished, the punishment was too sweet that it stung his heart but Opal could finally live.

"Thank you."


Thank you for reading White Magician.
Although I do admit that it kinda ended abruptly, I just didn't know how to continue it and believed that it was a good place to end it.

It has taken so much time and I really appreciate your patience and support! Thank you for not giving up and still look forward to the next update!

The next few updates will be spin offs of the story.

Once again! Thank you very much!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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