White Magician 3.0

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His eyes opened and he met three pairs of familiar eyes.


Opal groaned a little at the headache as he sat up.


Helios's voice reached Opal's ears and the parent's attention was undividedly on his son. His son, the new and young white master, was radiating white mana.

Opal let a little smile paint itself on his lips.

It was very weird.

He had a headache but he felt his chest soar.

He turned to look at Athanasia. She really looked like Diana and Opal felt... glad? Opal was not sure but he felt like he could smile again.

"I am okay."

Opal sat up without much trouble and was about to move out of the bed.

"Shouldn't you rest a little more?"

Lucas spoke up and Opal gave him a dismissive wave and patted his shoulder in gratitude.

Opal made his was to where he could feel Claude's mana.

It was obvious where Claude was. He was in his office or did the people here call it study room? Either way, Opal saw Felix first. He looked surprised when he saw Opal but Opal blankly stared at Felix.

Opal remembered when Felix was only a little boy. Felix had once come along with Duke Robane and Quartz to the White Tower. Quartz had brought them over to introduce the people who would become her family.

At the time, Opal was amused and curious that one of the dolls he made had apparently fallen in love and desired to marry them. Opal gave her his blessings without a second thought but now Opal knew better.

When he had seen Felix... red hair...

That child had also taken a partner with burgundy hair and their child also had burgundy hair.

Felix's hair was bright red but in the dark room that Opal was in, the red hair looked darker. From then on, Opal had forced the child to come to the White Tower. He made Felix call him grandpa because he would never hear it from the passed one.

Even though he said he had no love for Felix and Sophia, he knew it was a lie he believed to be true.


Felix called out. He looked worried.

What expression was Opal making? Opal decided not to focus on his expression and reached out. He grabbed Felix's nape and pulled him down. Their foreheads pressed against each other.

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