White Magician 1.3

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Claude and Diana

He was in love and it was quite difficult to get out of love. Claude knew that he was doomed for falling in love. She was brave and quite cheeky. The way she showed her love was so straightforward that it caught Claude off guard but at the same time, he was so grateful and felt so loved. It was a precious feeling that Claude did not want to lose.

Maybe it was inevitable to fall in love with her when he first saw her. She seemed radiant in brilliance and something just told him that she was the one. His heart, mind, and body just wanted her close. Not to forget the nostalgia he felt, like falling in love with her was meant to be. Holding her and loving her was normal and natural.

So when the news of her pregnancy came, from all the pleasant surprise and excitement, a small bundle of worry and dread kept Claude from being completely content. He was not sure why and what exactly he was dreading but he was not the only one.

Opal was overly tense whenever he was around Diana. He would give nervous glances at the stomach. Perhaps his nervousness was sticking to Claude because the dread he felt was growing by each passing day.

One day, he had a dream. In his arms, he held a dead baby and in front of him there was a pale woman laying on a bed. Someone then moved the blanket over her face.

"I'm sorry *****."

Someone spoke from behind him but Claude could not turn around. His eyes were so fixated onto the woman beneath that blanket.

"I'm sorry..."

Claude gasped at the sound of the door to his office being abruptly open. He must have dozed off while working on the documents. Felix was in panic as he delivered the dire news.

"Lady Diana is coughing out blood! The physicians and magicians say it's the mana of the child and are doing everything they can but...!"

The emperor jumped out of his chair and sprinted to Opal's room. When he saw the door, he did not hesitate to open it with so much force. Claude saw Opal jolt awake and look at him in surprise but one look at Claude, the magician's face turned into horror.


Opal called out unsurely and dreadingly but Claude felt comforted when Opal hastily made his way to him.

"Diana... Diana's body cannot handle the mana of the child. She is d... she's dying..."

Claude mustered out word for word. The moment words stopped from flowing out, Opal was already making his way out. Relief streamed into his system but Claude was not sure if he did the right thing. No, since he was questioning himself, it probably was not the right choice but when he heard the news, the only person Claude could think about was Opal. Worried, Claude made his way to Diana's room.

"I don't like you..."

As the emperor neared the room, he heard an ice cold voice. It was Opal's voice. Opal looked down at Diana, who was pale and sweating. A normal person wouldn't say such words to a sick person in a life and death situation but Opal made his feelings clear.

"I am not doing this for you but for Claude..."

"I did it for *****, not you."

Suddenly, an acute pain hit Claude on the head as he watched as Opal gripped his hair and a whistle of sharp air resounded, the hair severed and wrapped around Diana's wrist which later turned into a white bracelet.

"Don't take it off or you'll die. This is only temporary."

"I'll lie if I have to, so get the surgery or you'll die. You will live a bit longer."

"Thank you."

"Thanks, but I cannot do that..."

"You can thank me by never visiting me again."

"... You will only be hurting him."

"Yes, I know."

Claude was not sure how long he was standing there but Opal was suddenly in front of him.

"Her time is limited. Even if she gives up on the child, she might live a bit longer, but if she doesn't she will die during birth."

His voice was soft but straightforward, as if trying to console the emperor.

Diana was going to die whether she gave birth or not but if she gave up on the child, she would live a little longer. The dream he suddenly flashed in front of his eyes. A woman and child were both dead. Somehow, Claude felt like it was his lover and child dead. If the child was going to die anyway... What was the point in giving birth to it?

If Diana could live a bit longer... spent the time she had left... Claude looked at Opal asking for his understanding and the astute White Magician had paused. The emperor caught a sudden change in the way Opal looked at him. It was minimal to none but it was a tiny change. Claude did not know what exactly it was but Opal nodded and the blond emperor made his way to Diana, all while he carried a foreboding feeling.

Three Months

For three months, Claude begged Diana to give up on the child.

For three months, the emperor and consort had not met.

For three months, Opal watched Claude break himself down and build himself back up from far.

Each passing day, the White Mage felt himself drained all the energy he had. It was really exhausting for Opal to see Claude like that. Really, Opal was just having enough of the drama. He knew that he was being heartless by slowly finding the situation as annoying. Maybe it was because he had already been through it the previous life or maybe it was because he was pregnant or maybe both. Opal was not sure.

Opal groaned as he stretched his arms out. The White Magician felt his bones pop before he relaxed his body. Unconsciously, he turned to look at his side.

"AH! Fuck!

The White Magician yelped out when he saw Claude sitting on a chair beside Opal's bed. Claude raised a brow and Opal was dazed. He was not sure if Claude was really sitting there or if Opal forgot to dispel the clone he had created the day before and played make believe.

"Are you real?"

Opal asked in a serious unbelievable tone to which Claude, in response, frowned.

"If I was not real then what would I be?"

"Oh my coins, I never thought my clones would turn so alike to him now..."

"Your what?"

"OH. MY. COINS. He is responding the same way as Claude!"

"I am Claude."

"That's what everyone said."

Claude paused for a moment trying to figure out what Opal was saying.

"Who? They should be punished since they are impersonating me. That's punishable by death."

It was Opal's turn to pause and waved a hand to dispel the "clone," but Claude remained seated there.


It was the only thing Opal could say to escape the mortifying moment.

"Ooooh, I feel so sleepy all of a sudden..."

Opal drawled while looking away and Claude looked at him in disbelief.

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