White Magician 2.4

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These days, Claude would come and look for Opal for whatever reason that Opal was not aware of but Opal also did not bother finding out. For some reason, he did not mind Claude trying to get his attention. That did not mean that Opal knew how to interact with him. It was new to get this kind of attention for Opal.

It was different from the attention of the annoying Eric from the guild. They had met during one of the quests where there was a group of robbers attacking travelers and traders. The idiot had fallen in love with Opal for his magic ability and competency during battle. The idiot and his group had followed Opal everywhere he went and naturally the crowd thought that Opal was part of their group when in reality they were just following him around like ducklings.

If Opal had, to be honest, he was still a few years old at that time so he quite liked the fact he had underlinings.

Festa, Lesta... Whatever her name was, they did not meet under the best circumstances. Obelia at that time was at war with another country in the east and all guilds and mercenaries were recruited to fight. The woman was the sickly princess of the country and when Opal had found her, she had thrown a dagger at him. Opal was interested in her will to survive and live on even though she was dying so he had wanted to see how she lived until her last moment so, Opal proposed a deal. He would help her survive and not become a prisoner of war and whatever plan she had for the future then Opal had to be included.

It was not a bad deal on her part. She wanted to get married so Opal married her. When she wanted a child, Opal was kind of repulsed but she was just as repulsed or even more than Opal they made a child. It was simple really. Opal just had to hand over the essence and she had to put take care of that business herself. Since Opal had a low fertility rate, he did not much expectation. So, it was quite understandable on his part to be surprised when he heard the news that she was pregnant. It was annoying that she was making Opal do stuff such as making a crib. There were times he considered killing her but as he watched her stomach grow, he was curious. He accepted to participate in the upcoming war just so the child would be able to be born safely and quench his curiosity.

When he heard that the child was born, Opal was in a hurry to kill the king of the foe and return to his home where the baby was waiting.

The moment the child was in his arms, the warmness of the child, something had forcefully blossomed within Opal. He did not know what to call the feeling but since the child was sensitive to mana, it made Opal go through the annoying trouble of making a bracelet to help the child deal with his mana and repress his own mana by watering it to the ground (hence why the plants grew excessively around his home) and making him take the form of a child.

It was something Opal would not even consider doing.

"Isn't he lovely?"

The woman had asked during her upcoming death.

It was then that Opal had understood the feeling he was carrying.

He found his child lovely. He asked stupid questions. Why is the sky blue? How do birds fly? Do ants blink?

But he answered them anyway. Opal had no idea as to how he knew why the sky was blue, how did birds fly, or if ants blinked. He was sure he had read it somewhere but he just did not know where.

After the woman had died, his child grew to be less expressive. Opal did not know that it was something to worry about since he believed that as long as his child was alive then it was enough until Ariel, the lion stuffed doll he made the child, had told him that it was written in a book that a healthy child was an expressive child.

Opal did not understand. He grew up to be hated by his whole village but he was still healthy.

Apparently, Opal had to show more love but Opal did not know how so he watched other parents and tried to mimic them. When the child seemed sad, Opal would pat his head. When the child was proud of something, Opal would awkwardly encourage him. When the child...

Opal paused his thoughts when he felt like his hand was held onto. He looked to find Claude take his hand into his own and give it a massage. The previous magician did not know how to react. He was not sure what exactly did Claude want from him but Opal left the emperor to do what he wanted. Although Opal was not sure why he bothered remembering the name of this one, he was not repulsed with anything that Claude did.

"You've been holed up in your room for a long time. How about a walk in the garden?"

Claude suggested. Opal thought it over. He had sent Helios to make some friends so he was probably in the garden... It was not a bad idea to check over how his son was doing.

Nodding in response, they both stood up and made their way to the garden. There was silence but it was not uncomfortable. Opal looked around the palace but he did not remember the corridor or anything about it.

"Your majesty! Sir Opal!"

They heard Felix from behind them but they continued walking as the royal guard caught up.

"I thought of a way for Sir Opal to regain his memories!"

Claude raised a brow and turned to look at Felix. They had paused their walk to listen to what Felix had to say but something else had caught Opal's attention. Opal turned to look at the hall full of golden angel statues.

"Why don't we show him what we recorded of him?"

A small girl with blond hair was looking at them with twinkling eyes. Opal raised a brow. He felt like he was reminded of someone.

"Felix, no."

Claude rejected the idea.

"Please hear me out, your majesty! The embarrassment might hel–"


Opal was ignoring the conversation between emperor and knight and amusedly watched the girl open her mouth.

"What's that?"

Claude turned to look at what Opal was referring to and blankly stared at the girl who bit the golden angel's butt.

"... What's a bug doing here?"

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