White Magician 1.9

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Helios was still shocked to know that the beautiful demo— ahem— Claude was also his parent.

After that breakfast, three days ago, Topaz and Helios were escorted back to the latter's room. Tea was soon prepared and Topaz took initiative in beginning the conversation.

"Actually, that demon is your father."

Topaz was so straightforward that it took some time to sink in the information. When he did finally understand, Helios gasped in surprise and confusion.

"Am I what Opal told us about? Experiments that grow in the capsules?"

"You have nothing to worry about. Master did carry you in his stomach and give birth to you. Also, that technology does not exist here from what Master told us."

Topaz reassured as she grabbed a cookie. She did not notice Helios's disappointed pout.

"But how is it possible? Opal is a boy and the demon is also a boy. Quartz said that boys cannot multiply by themselves."

Helios asked curiously.

"That only applies to Humans. Master was able to conceive because he is an omega Albanus."

"I don't understand. How are Humans and Albanus different? Red has arms and legs and eyes and nose and ears! Opal does too. I do too!"

Topaz sighed as Helios argued his point. She was wondering how she should explain about raises until she saw flowers outside from the window.

"It is the same as flowers! There are many types of flowers. They have petals and leaves and roots but they are different. So... if Master was a flower then he would be a sterling white rose while young master's other father would be a sunflower. The young master would be a crossbreed between a sterling white rose and a sunflower."

"... Topaz, you make no sense."

"Well, the world does not make sense to me but what can we do? We just have to live with it."

Helios watched as Topaz sipped her tea. He did not understand Topaz at all. Flowers were flowers and humans were humans. Was he not human?

He wished for Opal to explain it to him. The White Master would be able to explain it better.

Standing up from his comfy seat, Helios and announced to Topaz that he would go see Opal. Topaz nodded and stood up as well to follow her young master. They made their way to the maze of the flower garden, but even though it was a maze, the child and the doll were able to make their way out with ease.

At the other end of the exit, the path opened to the lake and the small island was there. It was strange for Helios, being able to see the island from the outside when he had always been inside.

"It looks small."

Helios commented absentmindedly.

"What about it?"

Topaz asked curiously. Such detail was something Helios would usually not mind.

"... It just looks small... I thought I was bigger."

The doll did not add any more comments. She still did not understand the purpose of the conversation and they continued their way to the shore.


Helios yelled from the top of his lungs.

Upon not receiving any reply, Helios yelled out the White Master's name. Tears started to form from the corners of the Young Master's eyes.


His voice broke watery.

Suddenly, there was a rustle from the bushes.

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