White Magician 0.5

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Book of Happiness Entry #7

It's been a few weeks since Sueño and Esperanza and I arrived at the White Tower. Today, we were looking around in amazement of the grandeur of the White Master's residence. We could not believe that we would live with the White Master we only heard rumors of.

We could only thank big brother, Ariel, for finding us and bringing us to the White Tower.

As we were exploring each and every corner of the White Tower, we found a single room that looked like a baby's room. It was clean and warm but it looked unused. The room was missing its owner.

Master Opal found us coming out of that room and we asked him about it. He looked at the room and shrugged his shoulders.

"Ariel probably wanted to experiment what it feels like to be a baby."

He left while shaking his head in disbelief but we were equally as confused and disbelieving. Ariel was not a person who would go through the trouble to experiment something for himself. We went to ask Ariel about it. We probably should not have. Even though there was a permanent smile on his face, I felt like he was drowning in sorrow.

"The room belongs to a person who decided to be forgotten for the sake of Master's happiness."

All for the sake of Master Opal's happiness.

I've arrived! As your birthday present!

Claude was tired. Tired of the two faced nobles and tired because he did not have a chance to rest after the rebellion. Just after the rebellion, he had to look over official papers and then prepare a banquet for the knights that fought for him. Right after was the coronation and the ball to celebrate his coronation. Now he had his birthday ball.

What kept him entertained was Felix being rather flustered and worried about something as he looked around. Whatever or whoever was keeping Felix suffering like that, Claude wanted to reward them.

Soon, a dance floor was cleared and various entertainers from various countries came to celebrate the Emperor's birthday. A woman from Arlanta sang for the Emperor. The most popular nomadic acrobats performed in front of the emperor.

Then a woman with the most glistening light blond hair and magenta pink eyes from Siodonna danced. She caught the attention of every noble and even the Emperor. His eyes wide in wonder and enchanted by her beauty.

During her dance, she dared to look at the emperor's eyes and smiled ever so mystically. At every swirl and turn, Claude did not know how to take his eyes off her.

Unconsciously, Claude lifted a hand and the butler understood.

The dancer bowed down to the emperor and a grand applause roared. Claude only stared at her in awe.


Multiple gasps and clamor exploded. No one expected the White Master. They did not even ever believe that they would hear that title in their lives. Curious eyes turned to the door and they saw the forever beautiful Duchess Robane in her lilac dress that hugged her figure gorgeously, Sophia Robane in her sky blue dress that made her look out of the ordinary, and finally, a tall man with white hair and because of the mask, they could not see his eyes. He wore a white top hat and a suit. Behind the man was someone totally covered in a robe.

Claude was also surprised. He had read about the White Master and his tower and magicians. There were few books and not much was known about them other than the master's involvement with the Golden War, Silver War, Obelian War, and other minor wars, the Crimson Desert, the Three Holy Saints and White Magicians' capability to heal. It was also a well known fact that the White Magicians hated to socialize with people outside of their circle.

So, for good reason, the Emperor was way too surprised — even though his facial expression said otherwise — that was somewhat struggling to keep his brain thinking straight. What were they doing outside of their abode?

Now that he looked at Duchess Robane, her white hair seemed almost exactly like the man with the top hat. He was most likely the White Master.

Everyone stepped away from the White Master's way. He seemed to glow a healing radiance as he, Quartz, Sophia, and the unknown being made their way up to the emperor. The click of their heels resounded in the grand room as if to warn everyone inside it to submit and respect the ancient being.

Once they were at an acceptable distance from the throne, they slightly bowed to the emperor.

"Blessings and glory to the Obelian Empire. I am Ariel, the representative of the Master of the White Tower."

The representative of the White Master greeted with splendor.

Claude stayed silent for a moment to try and read the "representative's" true intent but the emperor could not read Ariel. His smile was genuine but his bird mask covered eyes could be telling a different story.

Crystal blue eyes sharply shined. They were dry of any emotions as any leader would do those they distrusted. Even if Duchess Robane stood beside the White Master, the emperor would not leave any guard down. Even so, he could not treat an ancient being disrespectfully unless he wanted to turn Obelia into another desert.

"Greetings to the White Holy Master. If you don't mind me asking, what is the unsocial and old White Master out of their abode."

The nobles paled. What was the emperor doing by talking to the White Master like that?!

"The master wishes to give a present for the new emperor of Obelia in hopes and as a sign of the White Magician's pledge for comradeship and cooperation solely to the emperor, Claude de Alger Obelia."

Ariel took a sidestep to reveal the cloak person. He quickly and gently took off the cloak from the person so everyone could see his appearance.

Everyone gasped when they saw a holy sixteen year old boy still bowing at the Emperor.

"Emperor Claude, this is the strongest white magician from our tower. His name is Opal."

Opal tilted his head up and Claude felt his heart drop when his crystal blue eyes met the slitted white eyes. A deep sense of nostalgia and indescribable longing gripped and clawed onto Claude's chest. His heart ached for no apparent reason but the person... no, Opal. For no apparent reason, he wanted Opal.


The name crawled out of his lips like bitter honey.

"Yes, your majesty. I've arrived! As your birthday present!" 

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