White Magician 2.7

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Lucas grumpily stared at the two children in front of him before double taking at Helios. Helios had the same aura as Lucas's instructor. No, maybe even stronger which meant the brat was another offspring of that man.

Lucas frowned in distaste. He didn't like the old man at all but felt like a greeting was in order. What was his name again? Opal?

Opal was unlikeable from what Lucas remembered. The White Master was apathetic to the world except for Lucas's instructor. Opal was obsessed with him and the son didn't seem to mind in the least and accepted Opal's obsession.

"Father was emotionally dead until I was born."

He knew that Opal was awkward in showing that he cared but he knew he was being loved nonetheless. The awkward but careful head pats, the way Opal took him to meet the World Tree and bullied it to give him an apple for his health, the White Tower built for his security, if that was no love then he was not sure what was.

Lucas knew he felt awfully guilty for leaving Opal behind in the White Tower along with the woman and son he loved. He knew that Opal felt like he was being stolen away and Opal was petty like that. Yet, he knew that Opal would die if he died hence why he erased Opal's memory and asked Lucas to watch over Opal.

Lucas grumbled as he stood up.



"I asked for your name."

Lucas snapped a little to which the children flinched a little.

"Opal," the boy hiccuped, "Opal said not to– not to give names… to demons."

The boy did his best not to let his tears drop.

Ah, Lucas remembered he once asked if Lucas was a demon as well.

"That damn old man…"

Lucas muttered under his breath

"I am a friend, brat. Where is Opal?"

The boy brat paused. It was a response he did not expect. The demon did not deny he was a demon so maybe he was a demon? But he introduced himself as a friend… Could demons be friends? Opal did seem like he could beat a demon to be a friend.

The boy brat nodded.

"Opal is in his room!"

The boy brat turned around and ran off while the girl gasped and followed after.

"Wait, Helios!"

Oh, so it was Helios.

"Opal is waiting, Athy!"

And the girl was Athy.

"What are you talking about?"

Athy exclaimed in confusion.

Nevertheless, Lucas followed after the two children and arrived at the room Opal was staying at. The children silently approached the bed and stared and Lucas was right behind them.

Shock was not enough to explain what Lucas felt when he saw Opal.

Opal was contaminated. The amount of contaminated mana Opal had running was clearly half compared to the last time Lucas saw him. Opal had an extremely large pool of mana. Looking at Helios, Lucas understood why the brat had such a heavy amount of mana.

Placing a hand on Opal, Lucas started to study the spell that was casted on Opal. Half of Opal's soul was missing. The remaining half was somewhat handling the body.

Lucas wondered where the other half was.

"Is something wrong with uncle?"

Athy asked.

"Half of his soul is missing."

Lucas simply answered to which both brats screeched in terror.

"Then he is dead?"

Helios asked.

Lucas shook his head.

"You have seen him, right? He is functioning, he will be lacking in some places if he has any other plcaes to lack."

"Oh, maybe the lack of emotion is the because of that."

Helios mentioned and Lucas raised a brow.

"He was always apathetic."

"No, he used to be always sad and cried a lot too. Ariel also said Opal was emotional tornado."

Helios instantly denied and tried to prove his point.

Now, Lucas was debating with himself if the Opal he had last seen was also a half souled Opal.

Falling in Love

Yong Won had his head on Shion's lap and Shion was feeling as peace.

For some reason, Shion felt like it was terriblt wrong to feel such way.

A part of him felt like he didn't deserve any of this, that he should be given punishment.

Suddenly, warm lips enveloped his own. Yong Won was kissing Shion. It was strange how Yong Won knew when Shion was thinking of such. Yong Won deepened the kiss making Shion forget the regret he felt at the moment.

"Shion, everything will be okay."

Yong Won promised when he had pulled away.

He pressed their foreheads together and they stared at one another.

"I just cannot escape the feeling that I have wronged someone... or the feeling that I don't deserve this or the feeling that I shouldn't-"


Yong Won interrupted and with a reassuring smile he continued.

"I will rewrite it. Everything will be okay and you will have nothing to regret about. I will make it happen."

Shion didn't respond. He didn't say he felt guilty for what he was making Yong Won do even though he really did not understand. One day, maybe Yong Won would forgive him but right now, Shion could not apolize. Not when both of them had no idea on Shion making Yong Won do.

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