White Magician 0.7

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Dear Bargega,

I know how much you hate it when I call your name but I find it really endearing when you look at me with a clear annoyance but remain silent otherwise.

You might already be aware of the reason why I call you by that name instead of the one you gave yourself. As someone who is so disconnected and apathetic to the world, you used to react so strongly when I call you by that name. It reminds me that you are also human and not a doll breathing and living.

Other times when I am reminded that you are human is when you interact with our child. I still remember the day our child was born and you came home in the middle of war. He cried so much because he could not handle the amount of mana carried so you put him to sleep before holding him for the first time. Although your face was so bland and indifferent, I saw the clear fascination in your eyes.

The next day you came back younger. You were sealing your mana so that it wouldn't hurt our child and then you would sit on the floor by the crib and start to make a toy for him. Looking at your back, I saw the difference in you. When I first told you I was pregnant, I literally forced you to make the crib and you were really indifferent about him then.

I was worried about leaving him in the care of the pathetic you and debated taking him away to another country but I feel like I can rest in peace knowing that you will take care of him.

You stopped involving yourself in wars, left in the middle of one, sealed most of your mana for his sake (even though you most likely felt like it was a bother), and you are currently making him a little brother. You named him Ariel? Two lion brothers.

Please take care of him and please, I beg, take care of yourself as well.

Claude and the Headache

The white magician the representative of the White Master had left at the castle was a real headache but at the same time a real cure.

Claude had detained the magician the day of the ball. Three days had passed and the magician had not caused any trouble. When he had asked Felix to report about the magician, the redhead knight had reported that the magician was in the underground cell sitting in silence and seemed to be in deep thought.

Underground cell?

It was utterly disgusting and revolting and unacceptable for the magician to be placed there. What were his subordinates thinking?

The emperor ordered for the magician to be moved to a room in Ruby Palace. Nine days passed and maybe the magician was holding back or something because he exploded into his office wearing extremely revealing garments and overly excited and spouting ridiculous words. Felix had immediately thrown his cape over the magician.

If it was any other person, Claude would have taken his head and had him drop dead but his mouth did not open to give the order nor did his body move to personally do the job. His heart ached and his arms yearned to hold the ridiculous magician in front of him.

It was almost the same feeling he had when he saw Diana but stronger. Remorse, sadness, and other feelings he could not put a name to bloomed in his chest.

Ignoring the feeling, Claude let the magician run havoc while being unaware of the fact that he was looking at the magician with soft eyes.

Felix felt like he was dying from the inside.

Pending Hatred

Today was another day. Opal was excited to wake up and get ready. The best thing was that Felix was not here to decide what was proper and not proper to wear. Opal could understand. The child was fine with whatever he wore back at the White Tower but now he was being extremely close minded. Opal shook his head as he flew out of the window — because he knew there were about 10 guards outside his door — and he felt Claude's mana close by.

Landing softly on the grassy ground, Opal hummed and skipped his steps as he made his way. Happiness bloomed in his heart as he felt Claude's mana nearing. Just has he turned the corner, Opal saw the back of Claude's head. Those golden strands twinkled so beautifully as the ray of sun reflected on them.


The emperor stilled for a moment before turning to look at Opal but when he moved, Claude revealed a woman who was sitting in front of Claude. Her wide pink eyes and rosy lips. Her light blond hair cascaded down her shoulders.

A sharp pain landed like thunder in his head.

An image of Claude and a girl with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes appeared and disappeared like a blink.

That girl.

Opal scowled.

Both Claude and the girl were surprised by the ferocious scowl but the next second, Opal was smiling so brightly as he skipped his way to Claude and wrapped his arms around the emperor's shoulders .

"Refrain from calling me by my name."

Claude lightly chastised Opal responded, poking out his lips.

"Eeeh~ you say that but I know you like it when I call your name."

The emperor lightly tapped Opal's cheek with his knuckles. The White Master dramatically gasped as he clasped his cheek but Claude ignored his unnecessary overreaction and pointed at the empty seat.

"I will forgive you because I love you."

Opal said as he made his way to sit down and Claude raised a brow.

"I didn't even hit you tha—"

"I forgive you."

Opal interrupted.

"I sai—"

"I forgive you."


Claude was about to call Felix to remove Opal away from his sight but stopped when he heard a melodic giggle. Diana was lightly laughing and it left Claude breathless and helpless. Just how mesmerizing could a human being be?

Any expression Opal was wearing disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"You two have yet to meet each other. Diana, this is a magician from the White Tower. His name is Opal. Opal, she is Diana from Siodonna."

"A magician from the White Tower. How mysterious is that. Never in my life did I believe I would meet someone as gracious as a magician from the White Tower."

Opal crossed his arms and tilted his head up. Even though Opal was clearly looking down on Diana even though he was obviously smaller than her in height, that was something Opal could fix anytime he wanted.

"Don't talk to me."

Silence washed over them and Opal did not feel even a tiny bit of guilt about it.

"Don't worry, Sir Opal."

Opal raised a brow at the surprising reaction. He was obviously not expecting a cheery response.

"I will not misunderstand you!"

Oh no. She was seriously misunderstanding something.

"You are just shy to meet someone new are you not."

And she hit a home run.

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