White Magician 1.7

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Claude stared at the sniffling cat that was glaring at him from the opposite side of the table full of plated sweets. It was amusing how the child was like a small kitten trying to act like a lion. Unfortunately for the child, the glassy wet eyes did not help the child look strong. The emperor could not help but wonder from whom did the child inherit the tears from. Obviously, it was not from Opal and not from Claude.

"Wha-What are you looking at?"

The kitten miserably snapped and Claude wondered if that was an attempt to scare him off.

Currently, they were trying to have a small tea time in the greenhouse because it was still cold in the beginning of spring and because the garden would calm the child since he lived on the garden-like island that Opal had created. It was rather unfortunate that the child did not show any signs of calming down. It wouldn't be weird to see the child break down into tears again any moment now.

"What's your name?"

Claude began harmlessly but it only confused the emperor even more when the child paled in horrification.

"W-What do you plan to do with my name?! I am not going to sign a contract!"

The child was ridiculous to the point where Claude wanted to open up his head to see what in the world did the child have stored in it.

"What are you talking about?"

"O-Opal told me everything! Demons need the contractor's name to sign a contract if I want my wish to come true in exchange for my life! NEVER!"

What in the world is Opal teaching the child?

"I am not a demon."

Claude tried to convince the child but the child only gasped in terror.

"I-It's like Opal said... Demons won't admit they are demons to t-trick the humans and eat their souls! OH NO!"

The emperor felt like a headache was coming on its way to crash against his temple. The little thing was terrified beyond normality.

"Why in the world do you believe I am a demon?"

Frustration did not prevent the emperor from asking.

"Opal said all demons are beyond beautiful!"

Believing that this was enough headache for the day, Claude called for Felix to escort the child to his room, but the moment Felix had entered the room, the child flinched and started praying.

"God, please save the man before me since he has no brain but muscle in his head, yet he still lives."


Helios was escorted to a grand room by the Mr. Muscle-for-Brains. He did recognize the man since he would also come by with the emperor every seventh day. Whenever Mr. Muscle-for-Brains arrived, Opal would click his tongue and curse the man.

"That muscle for brains, he should have kept Claude in the palace..."

(Note, Opal was angry because it was raining that day and the knight couldn't stop Claude from going to the garden island, but Helios has no way to know what Opal is thinking.)

Anyhow, Helios was left alone in the grand room. Once he was sure Mr. Muscle-for-Brain's footsteps were unheard, huge tears started to form and rain down his cheeks. The fear and anxiety that he felt and the relief that scary moment had ended overwhelmed the child too much. Hiccups started to jump out of his lips as Helios started to drag his feet across the tiled floor to the bed.

An unknown floor, unfamiliar scent, and foreign place... and Opal was nowhere to give him the comfort that he needed, Helios dropped himself on the fluffy and plushy bed not caring that his tears were soaking up the bed.


Helios yearned.

"Opal... Papa..."


Opal bit his lips. He could hear Helios call for him but the master of the White Tower did not even twitch to appear in front of his son. He was restraining himself from going to see Helios.

It could seem heartless to the eyes of others to dump their shy child into the world but Opal could not help but feel like his son was trying to become an adult before he even reached adulthood. Probably because Opal was such a mess, Helios felt the need to become an adult. His son did not whine or cause a ruckus. He also did his best not to cry in front of Opal and tried to stand strong.

While Opal appreciated the thought, the White Master did not want an adult in the form of a child. A child should stay a child and Helios could not do that with Opal around. There probably was a better way to handle the situation but for Opal, this was the best decision. He could not face Claude. Not yet, at least. Not when Opal was afraid that he would not be forgiven and even worse, when he couldn't forgive himself.


Opal turned to look at the small doll. It was Topaz. She had first opened her eyes when Helios was born. Her blue topaz eyes were so clear and beautiful and her white hair was tied into a single high ponytail.

Opal did not remember why he made Topaz at first but looking at her features, it was probably the desire of wanting to have a child that looked like Claude and himself. He wondered how he knew that Claude of this world had crystal blue eyes and why he couldn't really remember the features of Claude in the previous world. He was sure that Claude's name was not Claude either.

It was weird. The moment he had seen Claude, he had remembered his past life but everything about him was replaced with Claude. From the way he looked to the way he spoke, everything was replaced. His memories were a mess and not chronologically correct. It broke him to know that he had forgotten his first son and what frustrated him even more was that he did not remember the name he gave to that child. He was so, so small, so precious, so...


Opal paused his thoughts. Right, Topaz was there with him.

"What's the matter?"

"I want to go to the young master."

Opal raised a brow but did not pursue the matter any further and waved his hand. Topaz brightened with her straight face and whispered her thanks before leaving. The White Master was exhausted. Too tired to think and too tired to remember. He had his dolls leave the island so he was alone, like he should be. Leaning against the chair, Opal closed his eyes. He did not notice the dark mist that started to sneak into the room or how it seemed to lick his ankles. Opal was tired and tired... and... ti... red...

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