White Magician 0.4

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Master of the White Tower

To the people outside of the White Tower, not much was known about the White Master or how exactly they could reach the Tower. The only things that commoners and nobles and royals knew about the White Master were few things that were written in old scripts.

The White Master was not of human race. He has white hair and white eyes. He currently was also an ancient being. If he was still alive — which he was certainly energetically alive and getting ready to offer himself to the Obelian Emperor — he would be over a thousand years old. He was the master of the Three White Saints and a dangerous being that could reduce a prosperous and fertile country into a dry desert.

So, fools, who wanted the White Magicians' title, power, and influence or wanted to learn about the White Master's weakness, that had tried to kidnap the people of the White Tower only met a bad end. Since there were more of them these days, if few had gone missing then the White Master would definitely not know, right?

How horribly wrong they were.

Not only were the White Magicians very secretive and conservative and loyal to the White Master, but they were also extremely hard to find one and catch one. Even when their number had multiplied, the White Magicians preferred staying inside the White Tower. Only a few of them would come out to gather food, supplies, and information.

The White Magicians knew more about the White Master but it was still little.

All of them knew that the Master was thousands of years old but remained looking like sixteen. He had unruly and long white hair and white slitted eyes that looked like the white cat's eye moonstone Lady Quartz had. They also knew that he had a white patch of scale on his left cheek and on his nape. Some were able to peek in his right arm to be covered with scales but fade out near the wrist. He was obviously not from the human race.

Saint Sueño and Saintess Alegría had written only one book each about their life with the White Master. As for Saintess Esperanza only had one third of her book finished. She had lived even less than Sueño and Alegría after all.

The books were passed along to other magicians. They were more like diaries than anything else.

In Book of Dreams — what white magicians called it — it was written that Opal was from the Albanus tribe which had gone extinct for unknown reasons. He had gone to Opal's tribe only to get trapped in a corpse village with one surviving elder who later died. The Elder's name was Krytalis. He was there when Opal was born and he was also there when they tried to lynch him. Sueño worked hard to dispel the spell that was casted in the area. After figuring out the magic circle and working out a magic circle that would bring the flow of mana into balance and disperse, Krytalis was so happy to be out. The next day, Sueño found Krytalis dead in his home with a peaceful smile.

When Sueño had returned and told the White Master about his journey, Opal responded with a displeased growl.

He said these exact words.

"Disgusting trash... in the end, he betrayed his own tribe and died in an undeserved peaceful death..."

He then blankly looked at me before sighing and patted my head. It was that 'It can't be helped with this pitiful child' look he always gives the White Siblings. I was confused as to why he would say that and why he would look at me like that.

"Good job dispelling that spell. It saved your life by giving that shitty beast a false sense of liberty."

At first I did not understand what he meant. Now that I think about it, how was it possible for Elder Krytalis to be alive so long? I asked Brother Ariel about it and he only told me that I was lucky to have made out alive.

- Book of Dreams Entry #150

Stairway to You

"Are we there yet?"

"Grandpapa... I know you are excited but please, I've already lost count and patience with you asking that question."

"I see... so are we there yet?"

Sophia sighed in desperation and wanted to be out of the running carriage. The young lady loved her grandfather so much but there were times — such as times like this — that she wanted to at least hit him in the head. Unfortunately, she could not do that in the presence of her mother, Quartz, who looked at her father quite content and Ariel, who acted like his father's willing slave.

"Papa, we will be arriving soon."

Sophia lost count of how many times her mother responded the same answer.

"Grandpapa, how old are you anyway? Shouldn't you act like it instead of acting like a 9 year old?"

Opal huffed at his grandchild and crossed his arms and chided her.

"What a rude child."

The grandfather then slumped on his seat and with a rather demeaning attitude stated as a matter of factly.

"I stopped counting my years after the... what was it called? It was the war with an overbearing disgusting pervert that wanted me and the world."

"The Golden War, Papa."

Quartz responded.

"Right the Shitty Golden War."

"That was nine hundred years ago! Were you involved in that war?"

Sophia yelled in surprise. She never thought grandpa would be involved in a war that would only be known by scriptures and history books.

"Of course I had to be involved with the bloody war!"

Opal complained.

"The psycho was original and complete demented human being. His goal was to rule the world and wanted to rule over me as well. But really? It was long? I thought it was at least 50 years ago..."

The master tilted his head in confusion. He did not feel like it was that long ago but maybe it was a long time ago since he could barely remember the face of the brat that had the audacity of proclaiming his ownership over him.

Opal huffed.

Demented human. A waste of space...

Opal huffed again and waved away the blurry memories that were about to resurface. They were memories he did not need.

"But anyhow, if you want me to act my age, then you should dig 100 meters down the ground for me to rest."

"Sophia... what do you say?"

Sophia glanced at her mother before pouting. She did not mean it like that but she knew it was uncalled for.

"Sorry, Grandpapa. You know I love you, right?"

Opal grinned as he saw the lights of the palace. Slowly the walls of the royal residence reached his eyes.

"Sorry, kid. The love room has only one seat and it was taken by my darling~!"

Sophia paled. This was the first time she was seeing such an energetic grandfather. Taking a glance at Quartz, she saw her mother looking at Opal as if she was satisfied and content.

"Papa, we have arrived at the royal grounds."

Opal smiled expectantly and excitedly.

"Claude... We finally get to see each other..."

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