White Magician 0.3

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Felix Robane and Step-Grandfather

"Absolutely not!"

Felix Robane was in a nerve wrecking predicament. Not only did his step-grandfather Opal come out of his cave, he came out with his unstoppable and unnecessary persistence that he usually left in his room.

"Why not!"

Opal banged his fists on the desk that belonged to the Head of Albanus. Alex and Xander each stood by Opal's sides. Xander had brought a blanket and draped it over Opal while Alex whispered a silent plea for his 'father' to calm down.

"That's right! Why not!"

Quartz, his step-mother, also yelled. The mother had stepped inside the palace and asked for an audience with the emperor. The emperor had no reason to object to her and allowed it. Felix could tell that Claude enjoyed watching Felix getting pulled by the ear and to fill in Felix's spot, Sophia had stayed behind.

"Mother," Felix begged, "Please do realize that I could never do that to Grandfath—"


Opal smacked the desk again in rage.

"Papa, please calm down. I heard that people around your age tend to get a shock from sugar levels."

Alex pleaded again.

"Felix Robane! You know how Papa does not like formalities! Are you doing this on purpose!"

Quartz yelled in hysteria after hearing Alex.

"Give the child a break. We all know Papa will be fine with a little sugar going up. Besides, there are no people around his age these days, right? He did outlive the oldest Albanus after all."

Xander reasoned as he sighed.

Felix groaned in despair. What a mess this was.

"Grandpa, there is no way that I would introduce you to the emperor as a slave with my own two hands!"

"You are not introducing me as a slave, you muscles for brain buffoon! I explained several times, I will say it one last time so your brain hopefully understands. You will introduce me to the emperor as a gift on his birthday! Not a slave! Ah, but I guess I am a slave to him if I think about it but no worries to such detail. Has age made you unable to hear?"

Felix groaned. He did not want to hear that from his Grandpa...


"Felix Robane!"

Quartz hollered out his name and with the coldest glare, she grabbed him by the collar. Felix gulped as fear sparked at the icy glare of his step-mother.

"I know that you love your grandfather very much, but this is the first time I see him so motivated and happy in my life and even in Ariel's life. I am sure Papa knows what he is doing."

Now that Felix thought about, ever since he had met Opal, the redhead had never seen Opal as much as smile or show any information. Sure there would be time he would be persistent when he had a goal in mind but he was dry of any emotion. It was like he was a doll.

Taking one glance at his grandfather, he saw fire lit and the flame burned with vigor. It was something he never once saw on his grandfather. He understood what his stepmother was pointing out. All of them wanted and even the magicians of the White Tower wanted the Master to be happy. The dead probably wanted the same from the afterlife.

"Even so..."

Even so, Felix could not introduce his grandfather as a slave. The royal knight was at loss at how his mother and her siblings were allowing this. Maybe it was because they were dolls but even so, they could understand the concept and meaning and how they were looked down upon.

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