White Magician 1.1

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The Sinner

He was aware that it was not the right decision. It was apparent and clear that it was wrong but Shion decided to sin for his sake. No, that may be an excuse. This was a decision he made on his own accord without him knowing.

The child looked exactly like her. He had still not arrived because of the traffic and she was dead.

Shion looked at the baby in his arms. The baby was in deep sleep since she had exhausted her energy from taking her first breath and crying. A bath was also given to her before dressing her up.

"I am sorry..."

He whispered lightly to a newborn that was not awake and even if she was, she would be unable to understand him.

Shion sinned. He exchanged their child for a dead one. The parents of the dead baby had gotten into a car accident while the baby was in the mother's womb, so if he exchanged the babies, their child would be sent to an orphanage.

"Have you made your decision?"

Shion looked up from the child in his arms. It was his brother. They were both doctors at Shion's parent's hospital where she was admitted in. His brother along with Shion's parents were in charge of her surgery and health.

"Why... Why would you go along with my plan?"

His brother smiled knowingly and yes, Shion already knew the answer to his question. He was not sure why he asked but the need led him to open his mouth to voice it out.

"You better hurry. He will be arriving soon."

Shion sinned. Not only did he betray her and it was not enough with having his brother sin along with him. Shion lied and tricked him. He was a sinner and he won't be forgiven and he wouldn't forgive himself either.

Reality, Nightmares, Memories

Something was bothering Opal these days. Everyone around noticed the change in him, Claude noticed. Especially around Diana, Opal would look extremely uncomfortable and he couldn't meet her eyes. The emperor had asked Diana about it but she had no clue and was even worried about him.

He tried asking Opal directly when Claude had visited the night. Opal looked troubled and brushed his concern away.

"I'm okay. Don't worry about it."

There was no way Claude would not worry. He could not help but notice the concern and sheepish look Opal gave at Diana's growing stomach. The white magician only grew restless as time went on and Claude's concern also grew.



Claude and Diana were surprised as they looked at Opal covering his mouth, just as surprised.



Opal abruptly stood up and left the garden.


"Gra— Sir Opal!"

Claude and Felix called out but only Felix went after Opal. The emperor turned to Diana and gave her an apologetic kiss on her forehead.

"Please, don't worry about me. Go."

Understandingly urged Claude to follow. The emperor hastily made his way to the nearest bathroom and saw Opal over a bucket. The white magician was pale and sweat was dripping from his temple.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Has old age finally caught up?!"

Felix was spouting nonsense as he panicked and received a kick by Opal.

"Shut your nonsense, muscle for brains! I just got pregnant!"

Silence greeted the fuming magician before he realized what he said. Claude felt his chest flutter but the moment he saw the horror in Opal's eyes, the emperor ran to Opal and wrapped his arms around him. While he did hear that Opal's race could get pregnant, he never thought he would have a child with him. Mainly because Opal was reluctant to have one.

"Opal... Don't think about anything."

Claude whispered in loss of thought. He was blabbering whatever his mouth was able to spout even if his mind was loudly quiet. Whatever he spouted, the emperor hoped it would help calm Opal from whatever nightmare he had haunting him.

"Don't think about it now."

Claude gently separated from Opal but kept close as he looked into the white magician's eyes. The turmoil with those white eyes was slowly calming down. Claude continued in hidden relief.

"Don't think about it today nor tomorrow. Take your time to decide what you want to do. Just rest."

"... yeah."

Opal nodded mindlessly and suddenly his body slumped as if a wave of tiredness had washed over him. Claude received and gathered the magician with ease and carried him up.

"Whenever you're ready, you can tell me whatever is bothering you... I'll listen and have you stay by my side no matter what."

Even though the white magician had his eyes closed, Claude kept talking softly. He could only hope it helped the troubled and exhausted white magician rest a little, maybe even forget whatever thing that troubled him ever existed.

The emperor took his consort back to his room, hoping that whatever Opal decided in the end, he would not regret it.

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