White Magician 1.0

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Her and Him

Shion looked at her indifferently.

"... You will only be hurting him."

"Yes, I know."

It annoyed Shion. Even though she had that pained look in her eyes, she still refused to leave for Claude's sake.

They had graduated high school and currently she was in the hospital. She always had a weak constitution and Shion's parents were well known doctors. It only got worse when she got pregnant with Claude's child. With only looking at her, it was obvious that she would not make it through giving birth and to make matters worse, she did not want to give up on the baby.

Shion knew she would die and he also knew that she knew her time was limited. What Shion did not understand was, why did she choose the child?

"I am choosing Claude."

His curiosity must have shown on his face because she readily answered him.

"How is giving birth to a child you never met choosing Claude?"

She smiled at Shion as she caressed her swollen stomach.

"We both know that even if I was not pregnant, I would die in a matter of time. If I am going to die anyway, I want to at least give Claude what others won't be able to give him."

Shion gritted his teeth and coldly replied.

"Other women can give Claude a child."

She smiled.

"Other women are not me."

"What Claude wants is not a child from you and die giving birth to it. What he wants is to stay with you with the time you had before you got a child in your womb."

"He was happy when I told him the news."

She argued but Shion shot her comment down.

"That was before the news that the child would kill you reached his ears."

Her smile disappeared.

"And I will return what you told me and repeat what I told you in the beginning. That child is not you and you will be only hurting him with your decision."

Shion watched as she stopped caressing her stomach. It was obvious that she was in love with Claude and that she wanted to stay with him. Shion could only think she had another motive for wanting to give birth so Shion waited for her to open up as he glared coldly at her.

"I love him."

Yes, that was very much clear to Shion. He knew that she loved Claude as much as Claude loved her as much as Shion loved him. Shion knew that he was in love with someone who already had a lover even so, the feelings wouldn't die off. He was satisfied with the fact that he could be beside him. It was all he needed. A spot, no matter how small and insignificant it was, in Claude's space.

He was satisfied until he learned of her limited life. An ugly and disgusting feeling surged within Shion because he was looking forward to being able to try and get Claude's love when she was gone. Never did Shion not feel like a monster for thinking that way. He didn't like her and he never would like her because to Claude, her existence was so immense and incomparable if Shion was comparing his own existence.

Shion hated her to his very core but that didn't mean he wanted her dead. He also hated the fact that she had nothing to be hated for. She was kind and lovable. Peace and fun was also part of her dictionary. It was because she was this amazing person that Shion could not curse at her or yell profanities. All he could do was remain silent.


"I have been with him for 8 years, but he will spend more time without me in his life than me being in his life. Time is bound to make him forget about me. At first, I might be imprinted in him for 5 months, but what about 5 years later? 10 years after? I don't want to be forgotten by him."

"So you plan to have him to always remember the time he lost you to it?"

If there was one thing Shion hated more about, it was that sad smile she gave him. He understood where she was coming from. Shion wouldn't want to be forgotten by Claude. If possible, he wanted to be in Claude's mind at every second of his life like a parasite just like her but Shion did not have that choice and even if he did wanted to choose that choice, he wouldn't take it. He could already imagine how broken Claude would be without her and a child that looked exactly like her, he was bound to vanish.

Shion bit his lips as he clenched his fist. In the end, Shion was right. He hated her and he would keep detesting her. No matter how kind and pitiful she was, Shion hated her and all because even after her passing, her memory remained with Claude and Shion sinned and became the monster he was. He would never receive forgiveness.

Him and Them

Some time had passed since he and Claude had become one. Claude had left that day because of royal duties and really, Opal could not blame him and didn't want to blame him. Especially not with the feelings of guiltiness that consumed him. Headaches were a constant feed Opal had to deal with, especially his dreams and memories that were becoming more visible, clear, and apparent.

There were times when the "Claude" of his memories had black hair and the girl would switch from blond to black. Her name would also change and his name would sometimes be blurred. The more Opal thought and tried to remember, his head would hurt just as much. There were also times he had nightmares of a woman with purple hair. She was holding a boy with white hair. Opal would look at them indifferently.

That was not the only dream he had about children. There was this blond girl and another boy with white hair. They were sometimes together and sometimes the girl would come over no matter how many times he told her to stay away from him and from his son. He had no idea how the girl was able to reach him but the little girl bothered Opal. He felt like he had sinned to her.

Along with his dreams and nightmares, the time he spent with Claude also changed. Claude would spend some nights with him. Opal had become a real consort to which it made the White Magician quite content.

Not only that.

That woman wouldn't stop pestering him. She kept on boldly knocking on his door and invited him for tea. Diana just did not know how to stop being so insistent.

In the end, Opal gave up and went to the damned garden for the heavily flowery scented drink. Which came to the situation where he was glaring at the damned tea in his hand.

"I told you this many times but it's just tea. It won't hurt you."

Diana chimed in.

"I know that! I don't need you to tell me because I do have a brain and do think and can take a hint unlike you who keeps pestering me even when I told you to leave me alone."

Opal snapped at her in return and immediately felt bad. He felt even worse when he saw her smile apologetically, just like she had in his previous life.

Stealing a glance at the quiet emperor, he saw Claude drank in silence.

Glaring back at the tea again, Opal begrudgingly took a sip and it tasted like grassy just like he expected. Tilting his head to the side, he wondered why Diana liked such a horrifying drink. Opal sighed and shook his head.

'Each to their own.'

Must be preferences. Even then, Opal noticed Claude also drinking it at times. He must have been influenced by her and soon, Opal himself would be influenced which is why he found himself drinking tea with Diana and Claude. Within the noble society, Diana and Opal were known as the two people the emperor favored. Diana was given the title of concubine because of her previous rank and Opal became a consort and a candidate to the queen's chair even with all the nobles arguing that it should be given to a woman.

The reason being that a man could not give birth

As he drank the tea, the little girl in his dreams remained in his mind.

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