White Magician 2.8

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Problem Solving

Lucas hummed in thought. He had to look for the other half of the soul and shove it back into the body. The problem was, he did not know where it was.

The magician grumbled in distaste. He really didn't want to help the previous White Master but he had a promise to keep.

One way, the most safe if he had to add, to get the soul was to travel around and find it. It wouldn't be a problem since the White Master could function but it could take centuries if the soul wandered around.

The raven mage did not want to spend centuries looking for the soul but it was most likely the only option since the second option was a might messy.

The second option was to forcefully call the soul back into the body. To do that, Lucas need someone that was deeply related to the soul.

This was not really safe since the person in relation would have to submerge themselves into the previous White Magician's memories and relive them. Based on the type of memories the person could be completely trapped and they would never wake up.

This option was the option Lucas wanted to avoid the most, especially since it was Opal. The raven mage knew Opal was mentally and emotion not stable.

Lucas sighed.

"Well then... I guess I will have to go to the World Tree first to replenish my mana. Then I will have to look for the soul."

"Will that take long?"

Athanasia asked worriedly as she watched the raven stretch his body.

"Could take a century or two."

Athanasia paled at the answer and shook her head.

"No! That's too long! I could be dead by then!"

Unfortunately, Lucas did not see the problem with that and turned to look at Athanasia but paused for a second. He inched closer to her face and the princess unconsciously inched away because of the close distance.

Feeling threatened, the princess fearfully glared at the raven mage.

"You want a go?"

Lucas scoffed.

"Like you punny thing could win against me. I was just double checking your being. Apparently, you are older than that body of yours."


Athanasia gasped as he gave careful glances at Helios who was worriedly looking at Opal and massaging his father's hand.

"Whatever you say."

Lucas snickered.

"You shouldn't bully those who are younger than you."

The three snapped their attention to Opal, who was sitting up and rubbing his temple.


"Don't click your tongue at your elders."

Opal chastised and Lucas ignored it as he glared at Opal.

"You know your situation, don't you?"

Opal nodded without a word.

"Well, I going to look for it but you could always, you know, time your life?"

The previous White Master looked at Lucas without much reaction.


"Why do you have to say that!"

Athanasia angrily yelled as she started to pull on Lucas hair.


Following Athanasia's example, Helios kicked Lucas on the leg.

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