White Magician 2.0

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Suddenly, the barrier surrounding the island disappeared and the overwhelming mana that was being restrained was becoming... Helios could not describe it.

Churn? Ominous?

Topaz and Helios gasped as turned their attention to the island.


Helios yelled as he used mana to freeze the lake and run over the ice. Topaz followed and the girl that they had met seconds ago had no idea why but followed after them.

When they had arrived, they saw Opal walking mindlessly around. His eyes were closed but as if the body knew where everything was, Opal was able to walk without hitting anything. What worried Helios the most was that Opal's hair was turning black.

Throwing his body against his parent, Helios yelled for Opal to wake up. Opal stilled for a moment and wobbled a little as he held his head into his hand. The White Master stood like that for a moment before opening his eyes and Helios could not help but gasp. The screla of Opal's right eye was completely black.


Helios cried out of concern and watched Opal sigh as he knelt down.

"I can hear you."

The White Mage stretched out his hand only to pause and Helios noticed it too. Some parts of the patch of scales had turned black as well.

Opal was staring at it dumbfoundedly and turned his arm around before looking at Helios.

"Papa... Are you okay?"

The White Master did not answer.


"I feel... fine?"

Opal did feel fine. Nothing amiss other than the surprise that he felt when he saw the change of pigment on his scales. He had absolutely no idea what was causing this change.

Feeling eyes on him, Opal turned to find Topaz look at him with what seemed like concern which mirrored exactly Helios's expression. How the doll was able to replicate that expression, Opal had no idea. Opal then directed his eyes to the girl behind Topaz. She looked painfully familiar to someone.

Who was it?

"They say I killed my parents."

Suddenly, heating pain hit his head which caused Opal to lose all strength to stay up. His body collided with the grassy ground and his body doubled over as if to contain the pain.


Just when Opal felt like he was doing to die, the pain was gone. Opal opened his eyes and saw the scared little girl. He didn't know the girl.

Why did he think she looked familiar?

That was the last thought he had become blacking out.


"Papa! PAPA!"

Helios yelled in panic and as if to echo the young master several voices rain down from the sky.


"Oh dear me! Papa!"



Ariel, Quartz, Alex, Xander, and Pearl floated down next to Opal but just when Ariel had touched Opal, his hand crumbled into dust.

Shocked, Ariel flinched back and pushed his siblings away from their master but it was for nothing since each one of the dolls had a part of them crumble.

Quartz slumped down as her left leg turned into dust.

Alex lost his eyes and Xander lost his ears.

As for Pearl, she just slumped down and stopped working.

Helios was terrified and quickly checked on Topaz but the youngest doll was normal. She did not break or did not crumble. She stood equally as terrified.

"Topaz, take the girl and the young master!"

Ariel ordered as he hovered a hand over Opal.

"Topaz, NOW!"

Quartz hurried the youngest doll. The doll hastily nodded and shakily took the little girl's and Helios's hands before using teleportation magic. Helios's view changed to the room that was given to him by his other parent.

What in the world was happening to Opal?


"What is going on? What happened to Master Opal?"

Quartz asked in a hurry as her voice shook and her eyes watched over her oldest sibling trying to identify what was wrong with their master.

"... Black magic."

Quartz gasped.

"That's poison for Master Opal!"

Ariel did not respond to that fact.

"Will... Will he be okay?"

Alex questioned worriedly.

"It seems like someone used Master's mana as a sacrifice for something. Half of Master's mana has disappeared and the half of the remaining is tainted."


The dolls were at a loss of what to do and their master was knocked out so he couldn't provide answers, but even if he was awake, could he be able to resolve this problem?

The dolls were so out of it that they missed the footsteps that were nearing.


The dolls snapped their attention to the newcomer, alarmed. They were ready to attack anyone who wanted to harm their master but they quickly calmed down when they saw Claude, the emperor, standing there with his eyes wide.

Felix was standing next to the emperor when he soon noticed that his stepmother was on the ground unable to stand up.


Felix made haste to Quartz's side to help her up.

"Felix, don't touch me."

The stepson stilled in place, quite surprised Quartz had used such a strong tone on him. Something was not right for the carefree and happy mother was very alarmed.

Ariel stood up and picked up Quartz with ease and turned to Felix.

"I will take care of your mother, but would pick Pearl up?"

Felix turned to worriedly look at Opal. His grandfather did not seem to be in pain, just sleeping blissfully. It was concerning why Opal's white pigments were turning black

Claude was already picking him up so Felix swallowed his confusion and worry to carry Pearl.


Opal groggily opened his eyes. The ceiling was different. He was not on the small island but why was he on the small island in the first place?


Opal... Yes, that was his name. The name he had given himself when he had left the god damned tribed. Turning his attention to the caller, he saw a very beautiful man that rivaled the demons with blond hair and crystal blue eyes. Seeing that the man did not have any demonic or black aura, Opal easily confirmed that he was not a demon.

The beautiful man reach out and tucked a strand of hair behind Opal's ears and the mage would have flinched back if it wasn't for the exhaustion he was feeling.

"Who are you?"

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