White Magician 1.4

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First Child

They were dolls. They could do anything a living human could do but there were many things that differentiated them to a normal human. They were hand made by Opal, could not taste food, did not require breathing to live, they did not bleed. A major difference was that the only thing they needed was their core to be safe and they would keep moving.

Ariel was currently watching over Topaz. Alex and Xander were sitting on the sofa as they watched their eldest brother brush Topaz's hair while they waited for Pearl. They were currently at the White Tower for a visit. Pearl had come back with new children to take care of. The twins treasured their little sister, Pearl. After all, she was made because they were begging for a cute little sister along with Quartz. They were also made because of Quartz's demand.

Now that they thought about it, they never knew of the reason why Ariel, Quartz, or Topaz were made. Alex and Xander gave each other a glance before they started elbowing each other. Noticing their antics, Ariel chuckled at their silliness.

"What do you want to know?"

The twins paused similarly before giving a careful glance at their brother but Ariel only encouraged them.

"It's okay."

"... Brother, we know that we were made because of the witch and dear Pearl was made because of us but we never heard why you, Quartz, or Topaz were made."

Ariel hummed as he finished tying Topaz's hair and moved to start cleaning with a wet cloth.

After some time of silence, Ariel smiled. Alex and Xander knew that it was a remembrance of the past.

"I was made with the purpose to keep our eldest brother safe."

Alex and Xander tilted their heads.

"Were you not our eldest brother?"

"It was my job to keep him safe and happy."

"How come we never met him?"

Ariel hummed again as he continued to wipe Topaz's arm. Alex and Xander waited for their older brother to respond only to gasp in shock. A drop of water fell on Topaz's skin and then another. Right after, water drops rain on the skin and the wet cloth had long since stopped moving.

At first, the twins were not able to understand what their brother was doing. It was the same thing a child would do when something was not given to them. Sadness from not being given something and the sentiment was something the twins knew very well since they had to put up with humans but the sadness their older brother was showing was quite different. It was sadness that they had not confronted and a sadness that they were not able to understand, but seeing Ariel break down like this was something the twins were not used to and did not like.

"Brother, we are sorry!"

Alex quickly said.

"We won't ask anymore so don't cry!"

Xander followed.

Ariel shook his head as looked the twins in the eyes.

"Just remember and never forget this. Eldest brother did not leave us because he hated us even so, never mention about him to father."

The twins glanced at each other before nodding to Ariel.


In the end, Claude made Opal come out to the garden.

It was awkward, which was a given since they had not met for a long time. Sneaking a glance from Claude, Opal felt like his heart would beat out from his chest.

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