White Magician 2.5

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Opal watched the little thing flinch and turn around in haste and the little bag she was holding fell to the floor. She seemed quite alarmed, nervous, and scared but quickly calmed down and smiled. Opal remained quiet to see what would happen next.

"Athanasia, what are you doing here?"

Opal looked at the child's face. It looked awfully familiar.

"Papa! I was about to hide my treasure!"

Opal heard Athanasia cheer out and the previous white mage felt a tug on his chest.

He was confused as to what he was feeling.


Suddenly, Helios called out as he rushed out of the bushes. Opal was not surprised to see a lot of fairies following behind him. The same couldn't be said for the little girl, the knight, and the emperor. Opal huffed as Helios hid behind him and the fairies stopped just in front of Opal. Looking at the fairies, they were all white hair and white eyes.

"Did you give them names?"

Opal asked without looking back.

Maybe he sounded kind of accusing because Helios pouted out his lips and fiddled with his fingers nervously.

"They didn't have one and I did..."

"So you gave them names."

Opal did not bother to correct his tone.

"... They didn't have..."

"Did you give them a name or not?"

"... I did."

Helios dropped his head in defeat and Opal nodded his head as he finished counting the fairies. There were six of them and from the look of it, Opal could tell that they were totally waiting for Helios.

Opal sighed and frowned. The Fairy King had sent his creations to be Helios's playmates. They obviously knew what had happened to Opal so they probably wanted to send some kind of protection.

"Overprotective bunch of old idiots..."

Opal murmured under his breath.

"Well, you better take good care of them."

Seeing that Opal was not reprimanding him, Helios brightened up and nodded.

"... Uncle?!"

Everyone froze.

The one who spoke was the little girl.

"That's wrong, princess."

Felix chimed in and proudly corrected her.

"You should call him grandfather since he is over thousa-..."

"Zip it."

Felix immediately stopped and only grinned. What was wrong with the child, Opal had no idea. The child seemed to have muscles for brain...

Ignoring the grinning idiot, Opal approached the girl and knelt down to her eye level. Looking at her face for some time, a flash of a girl with dark hair looking at him as if he was an idiot went through his head. Opal bit his lips, trying to hold in the gasp of the sudden memory that emerged and faded in a glimpse. Something was getting in the way of remembering and something told him that Opal didn't want to remember.

"Athanasia, was it?"

The little girl nodded nervously.

Opal smiled.

"Nice to meet you, little one."

Having a Face

Shion realized something.

He had a face.

Yong Won also had a face.

It was obvious to have a face... or was it?

Shion noticed that the people around him, except for Yong Won, did not have a face. He didn't socialize with them. So he told Yong Won. Shion flinched when Yong Won's expression turned... blank but the next second, he was smiling again. Shion must have imagined it.

"Shion, the reason why you can see my face is because I am special to you."

Yong Won said with a smile.


Shion asked back tilting his head.

Yong Won smiled and leaned in. He pressed his lips against Shion and Shion thought he saw Yong Won's eyes turn crystal for a second. Shion felt like he must be extremely tired because he was seeing things but he couldn't ignore how his heart rate increased and how warm his stomach felt.

Yong Won brought a handover. He moved back a little and pried open Shion's mouth. Shion had no idea that he had forgotten to breathe so he gasped for air and the moment he opened his mouth, Yong dived in again to kiss in deeper.

Yong Won was leaving Shion breathless.

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