White Magician 2.9

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Shion stared at the little girl in amazement.

Never did he think that he would see her again. Not after he had decided to jump off the roof and end his life.

Seeing that the little girl was saying that it was not the afterlife, Shion was confused as to where he was. Was it the same reason as to why the people did not have a face and only Yong Won did? Now that he thought about it, where was Yong Won?

Shion was not wearing his school uniform anymore. He wore the baggy clothes he used to wear when he had quit his job - if forcing his position on his secretary so Shion could do as he pleased could be called quitting - and care little for life. Yong Won at that time... Right, Shion was freeloading in Yong Won's house. Now that Shion had his memories, he felt like a complete waste of space. Even in death, he could not be forgiven and he had hurt Yong Won. The malnourished man knew of Yong Won's feelings but Shion was so desperate to heal his own wounds that he ignored Yong Won.

"Hey, uncle."

The little girl called out and Shion turned his attention to her.

"Why are you here? Helios and Papa are waiting for you."

Shion paused.

"Helios? Papa?"

The name 'Helios' felt familiar as the letters sounded out his lips.

"Yeah, I was reborn as a princess. I was surprised at first and dad was not so kind at first but he was different from the story that I've read. I think it is because you were part of his life."

The little girl suddenly started to look different. Her dark hair was becoming brighter and her dark eyes were twinkling under the sunlight. Then Shion felt something slither down his shoulder and when he turned and look he saw that his white hair was becoming longer. Right, he did have white hair.

"Helios misses you and I want to spend more time with you too. I think God or whatever being took a pity on us."

The little blond princess took Opal's hand and tugged a little.

"Now we have a lot of time ahead of us. If you feel guilty then you have to apologize. I will hold your hand while you do that."

Opal shook his head.

"But what I did is not forgivable..."

The little girl frowned.

"That's not for you to decide. We will be the judge of that, uncle."

Opal was looking down on the girl but how was it that he felt smaller than the little girl in front of him.

"He is not going anywhere."

Suddenly Opal's arm was being yanked from behind. Opal and the little girl gasped and turned to the new voice. It was... Yong Won but his hair was blond and his eyes were crystals, just like the little girl.

"Yong... Yong Won?"

"Don't get in my way! For what reason did I sacrifice half of his mana and my body for!"

Yong Won snarled as he glared at the little girl who flinched in fear.

"Yong Won, calm down."

Opal tried but Yong Won sharply held onto his arms.

"You cannot leave Shion! Not until we have erased the past that is haunting you!"

"... what?"

Opal whispered in disbelief.

"The past that is hurting you so much, I sacrificed my body and half of your mana for the sake of erasing it from your memory. If you go back right now with all your memories intact, then you will only be suffering again! Even without your memories you were hurting!"

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