White Magician 0.6

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A Moment of Happiness


"Welcome home, Claude."

"Will you stop humming out that song?"

A crackle left his lips as he placed down the peeler and the half peeled apple on the plate on top of the low table. Shion turned to look at his frowning lover. Standing up from the comfy and warm sofa, Shion approached Claude with open arms.

"What made my darling so displeased?"

Shion snaked his arms around Claude and perched his chin on Claude's shoulder. The blond lover did not answer and turned his head away from Shion. Shion only snickered and pecked his lips against Claude exposed neck.

"You are not happy that I was not waiting for you at the door today?"


Shion turned Claude around to face him but Claude refused to look at him. Even so, Shion could see a tint of pink on his lover's ears.


"I thought you hated it when I wore an apron over my naked body?"

"... Shion."

"... Spare me from that look, Claude."

Shion begged as he saw Claude's deadpanned and disgusted look. His ears were tinted pink which made Shion purse out his lips.

Even though you like it...

Claude hid his embarrassment through his cold facade but it did not bother Shion because he knew that Claude was shy. No, that was wrong and was something Shion told himself repeatedly and forced himself to believe in.

His lover barely showed any emotions ever since the death of his late girlfriend.

Shion would see Claude stare into space as he held a picture of her. There were also times Shion would wake up alone in the bed in the middle of the night and would search for Claude only to find him watching films of video clips she had taken with Claude.

All Shion could do during those times was turn a blind eye to it and just stay hidden where Claude wouldn't see him.

"I love you, Claude."

Shion whispered and in response, Claude remained silent but his eyes glistened in pain. It was as if he was remembering something. A terrible nerve wreck traveled down Shion's nape and his throat felt clogged.

I am here. Look at me!

Words that he desperately wanted to blurt out but couldn't because he knew that if he did, whatever relation they were in, it would break to pieces.

"I love you..."

Shion forced his lips to smile.

I love you.

White Present and the Golden Emperor

Opal hummed as he moved his head around, trying to figure out why in the world was he imprisoned in a grand room. He was first in a cell for a few days and was even handcuffed which didn't bother him since he could just take it off whenever he wanted but he didn't want to anger Claude. Few hours passed and Opal was later moved to the current room he was residing in.

Humming a bit more, Opal decided to think from the moment he met Claude for the ninth time or was it the eleventh?

"Yes, your majesty. I've arrived! As your birthday present!"


Seeing that Claude was not responding, Opal blinked a few times in confusion. Was his opening not climatic enough?

Opal huffed.

Claude, Claude, Claude... Was he not satisfied?

Opal cleared his throat and with the loudest voice he could muster, he yelled as if to announce it to everyone in the world.

"Do you want to take a bath first? Or maybe it's dinner? Or maybe... ME?!"

"... Detain him and lock him up."

"Wait! Why?!"

Opal remembered the pale Felix praying and Sophia looked at him like he had gone insane. The White Master was not sure what could have caused his predicament right now.

Nevertheless, knowing Claude's personality(?), Opal knew that Claude was only shy and embarrassed. The White Master grinned happily at the thought. Thinking about Claude made Opal want to see him already and it seemed like his shy adorable emperor would not come see him any time soon.

What better way to see him than to make his way to Claude? The hallways had red carpet which was egging him to go.

Opal quickly sat up to get off the bed before making his way to the door. On his way to the door, he stopped by the mirror and decided to change his attire. With magic, his clothes changed into a more innocent and less fancy attire.

The White Master opened the door and without much worry about the knights that stood guard at his door, Opal hummed and skipped his way to Claude.

"Wa-Wait! You are not allowed to go out!"

"What do you think you're doing! His royal majesty has ordered fo—"

Even though, the White Master had heard them, he acted like he did not and continued on his way but later felt like they would be an annoyance. Opal snapped his fingers and as a result, the handcuff broke and the knights dropped down to the floor into deep deep sleep.

The handcuffs were not able to suppress his mana that it broke just by merely using a grain of it. It was like trying to put a lid on freaking forever exploding geyser.

The master hummed away as he located Claude's mana. He had already analyzed and made it so that he could always know where his darling was.

It seemed like Claude was in a room. What room? Opal had no clue but he could care less. It was afternoon, so the emperor was probably doing whatever job the emperor had.

Opal stopped in front of the door where Claude was located. Behind the door was Claude and just with that thought Opal felt like his heart was running miles. His cheeks felt like they were burning and his stomach felt overwhelmingly fluttery. Without waiting any longer, he opened the door.


Opal enjoyed watching Claude look completely lost and dumbfounded.

"Your present is here to make your day!"

The White Master did not even notice the presence of his step grandson in the same room.

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