White Magician 1.8

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Helios yawned as he rubbed his face into something soft and plump. It was nice and plushy and cool. It was a familiar feeling. Something he thought he would be missing.

Waking up, he saw two familiar blue gems.

The room was quiet to the point where maybe air would be heard but it was suddenly broken with a single and following sniffles.

"... Maru."

The child called out as he brought the plush toy into a tight hug.

"I am also here, young master."


Helios yelped at the stoic voice behind him and turned to look behind him. How had he not noticed the arm around his stomach or the warmness in his back.

"Topaz! When did you get here?"

It was a pleasant surprise for Helios. Having not only Topaz but also Maru was reassuring and relieving. Topaz was a doll and Maru was a plushie and they were made by Opal. Opal had given Maru to Helios hoping it would give Helios comfort and confidence. It was also made of a material that would stay cool no matter what and Helios loved the feature.

"I came over while you were asleep. Master allowed me to stay wit--."

"Your highness!"

The door suddenly slammed open and the redhead knight arrived. He was alarmed because he had heard Helios scream and in fear that something terrible had happened to him, Felix had run only to find a very beautiful girl innocently looking right back at him and it was fortunate that Felix recognized the girl.

Felix and Topaz stared at each other for a while before Felix painfully gritted out, "Good morning, Aunt Topaz..."

"It seems like your brain is growing for once, Felix. You finally remember your morning greeting."

"It must be because the World Tree has answered my prayers!"

Topaz stoically answered and Helios responded but Felix swore that Topaz was triumphantly grinning.

Topaz and Felix were acquainted with each other. After Helios was born, Topaz had woken up, but since she could not communicate with Helios and the newborn could barely lift his head, Quartz took the new awakened doll to learn about the world and family. What better way for the doll to learn than introducing her to the Robane Household.

Despite the stoic face Topaz was wearing, she greatly enjoyed her time with Quartz's hectic family. While the duke calmly sat on his seat, he seemed to be living in his world as Sofia jumped on her brother from behind and angrily shook him. He had told the gentleman Sofia was interested in that she was interested in him. Quartz only tutted but smiled.

Wanting to join the fun of making Felix feel uncomfortable, Topaz forced Felix to call her aunt even though she looked so much younger and was so much smaller than him. She greatly enjoyed the troubled face he made whenever called her 'aunt' but it came with a small price of telling little bits of Helios's life.

Even though Felix had not met Helios, Felix was looking forward to meeting Helios and spoiling him rotten.

"So? What brings you here?"

Topaz asked as she started to fix Helios's hair.

"Ah, yes. His majesty is waiting for the prince. He wishes to have breakfast with his highness."

"The demons to have breakfast? I didn't know demons could eat breakfast."

Felix felt cold sweat drop from his temple.

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