White Magician 1.2

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The Throne

The Imperial capital of Obelia was in a celebratory uproar. The cause of it was because of Opal's pregnancy. Although the announcement of Diana's pregnancy had caught many noble's ears, they hardly did not pay too much attention to it as they were busy trying to pair the Emperor with their daughters or sisters etc. Diana came from a lacking background and did not have power within the noble circle. Opal did have power in his background and he himself was powerful but the nobles ignored him because he was a man and wouldn't be able to conceive a child... or that's what they thought.

When the news that Opal was pregnant reached their ears, the nobles were in disbelief and accused Opal of using black magic. Opal scoffed at their nonsense and was about to publicly show them his anatomy but Felix covered Opal's body with his cape.

"Nobody is interested in actually looking at your body!"

"I beg to differ."

In the end, Opal was checked by all doctors only for all of them to say that he had a unique body that allowed him to get pregnant. The nobles did not want to accept but accepted and began to hopefully curry up Opal's favor. It was meaningless because Opal wanted to do nothing with them and ignored all audiences with them as he was too busy trying to figure out his feelings.

Claude was visiting whenever he could and Diana would tag along at times, much to Opal's distaste. Looking at them, Opal kept on having mixed feelings on whether he should keep the child growing inside of him. Did he deserve to be happy with a child of his own?

"Take care of him for me..."


"No matter what you tell me, I love her and our child. I won't leave them."

A flash of a woman with purple hair followed by a flash of a man with white hair made Opal squint his eyes shut and hold his head. As soon as it had appeared, it also disappeared.

In his last life, Opal loved... him a lot. There were times when Opal wanted to be a woman just so he could get a piece of him. He knew that his love towards him was an obsession but he really could not control his feelings. He was insane enough to stage his daughter's death when she was actually alive and living in an orphanage. Opal was watching over her as she grew just to make sure she had no chance of meeting him.

He disappeared either way. He wanted to be with her and since there was nothing that tied him into the world, he disappeared without a trace. Opal tried to look for him and wait for him to no avail. Everyone whispered that he was dead but Opal... Shion could not accept it until he saw his dead body and held his hand but he was nowhere to be found.

Waiting for him to accept him was something Shion was used to but waiting for him to return when he had accepted his feelings was something Shion could not endure. He yearned and missed him. He wanted to feel his cold skin and eyes hollow of emotion. Even if Shion could only have his shell, Shion at least had him somewhere he could see and touch him.

Opal huffed at the sick thought.

"What's funny?"

Ah, right. Claude was spending his free time with Opal, only the two of them. It was nice having Claude to himself. There were times when Diana would tag along and Claude did try his best to keep her away from Opal seeing that the white magician just couldn't get along with her. Stress was not good for the child after all.

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