White Magician 0.9

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The Emperor

Claude did not know how to act around Opal. He always had some unknown reasons for how he acted.

For some reason, Claude felt uncomfortably... sad? Nostalgic? Happy? He was not sure but he knew he felt uncomfortable when he saw Opal.

If he had to be more specific, his entire being felt like it was lit on electrical fire. His heart also seemed to beat at a worrying level but it would also feel like it was churning and twisting.

He just didn't want to let go of Opal. That was the reason why he had put him in Ruby Palace along with other women that were presented to him. Those with title became his consorts and those that didn't were concubines.

The ranking in the harem came from which house they came from; therefore, Opal had the highest ranking in the whole harem hence why all the women came knocking his door to greet him and become his underlining. They never expected to receive his cold back. It was like he wanted to do nothing with the crown but this decision made the others see him as an obstacle and enemy.

The magician in his arms... Claude could tell he was a strong person who could protect himself but when he saw Opal doubled over and clutching onto his head as if to stop it from exploding, the emperor knew there was something Opal could not protect himself against.

Whatever it was that was haunting Opal, the strongest white mage, Claude could only hope he could kill it off.


Claude called as he arrived at Opal's room and gently placed him on the bed. Opal, by that time, had calmed down but looked rather tired and out of his mind.


The emperor called again but this time he got into Opal's line of vision. The white mage blinked a few times. It was as if he was getting himself together. After blinking a few more times, Opal licked his dried lips and opened his mouth but closed it again. His eyes told Claude that Opal was troubled.

"I... I am sorry for causing so much uproar."

The white mage looked so dejected and miserable. Claude leaned in and pressed his lips against the mage's forehead. The emperor felt better when his lips touched mage. He felt even more satisfied when he saw Opal's wide surprised eyes and the tint of red on the open skin that the scarf couldn't hide.

The cluttered feelings become more clear. Claude felt guilt, content, sorrow, glee, regret, hate and love. One single person made him feel so much that it was overwhelming.

And he wanted more.


The emperor did not respond but his hand moved to the delicate scarf hiding half of the mage's face.

Opal felt his heart thump against his chest and every beat, it only seemed to thump harder. He felt the delicate touch of the emperor's fingertip crawl behind his ear and suddenly, his scarf became undone and it slid off his face.

The emperor took in Opal's facial features as a whole. Pale skin, thin but plump lips, cat-like eyes, and the white patch of scales on his left cheek that reflected blue or green under the sunlight. Mesmerized by the changing colors, the emperor's fingers moved unconsciously and grazed on it.

Opal gasped at the touch. No one had one touched his patch of scales. Mainly because people would be disgusted by it. That was why he hid it, kept his hair, and covered his right arm. The White Mage tried to scoot back but the hand on his right wrist kept him in place.


His breath quickened as the emperor leaned in. Opal wanted to avoid it because the sorrow and regret screamed at him that he did not deserve it but the nostalgia, warmth, and yearning just didn't let him evade him. He impulsively closed his eyes and he felt a pair of soft lips on his own as the hand on his right arm let its finger slip beneath the cloth like a shy thief which later turned boldy and slid up to his scaly arm.


The white mage let out a surprised yelp but the moment was used for a deeper ardent kiss and it was enough to leave his mind blank.



Opal turned and found a little child. The child had long blond hair, white cat-like eyes and wore a light yellow flowy dress but despite the child wearing a dress and could easily be mistaken as a girl, the child was an Alpha. The child smelled like one at least.

The white mage raised a brow at the child

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The white mage raised a brow at the child. This was the first time he saw this child but Opal knew this child. Opal moved to pick up the child and at a closer look, the child's eyes were like white crystals that twinkled all sorts of colors by the reflection of the sun.

"Was it Alex or Xander?"

Opal suddenly asked. Why had he mentioned the twins?

The child shook his head.

"Then it must be Quartz."

The child shook his head again.

"Then who in the world would dress my child up like a girl if it wasn't them? Also where is Topaz?"

The child tilted his head and looked at something and Opal instinctively followed.

He saw a girl

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He saw a girl. A girl that painfully looked like that flowery pest and Claude. The white mage could do nothing but look at the girl and wondered how she had gotten into the island.


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He dreamt of something. Of what exactly, he did not remember but the feeling remained. It was warmth and happiness.

Opal blinked a few times to help him with the drowsiness. His backache and the place where Claude and he used to become one burned like a fire. Remembering last night made his cheeks lit up on fire.

Noticing that the spot beside him was empty, Opal sat and got himself ready for the day while ignoring the emptiness and guilt in his chest.

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