White Magician 1.6

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Opal stared at the man he was in love with from a distance. He would arrive at the edge of the island by boat and would stay there for hours, obviously waiting for either the barrier to dispel or for Opal to come out. It was not easy for the White Master to look at Claude but after a few weeks, it became easier even with the heavy guilt that clawed him down.

It became a routine after that. Opal would stay in the room where he could see Claude wait for him. The ancient mage wanted nothing more than to throw himself into Claude's arms but the sins that he had planted in the past had him rooted in place. No amount of forgiveness could actually forgive the inexcusable deed.

Time flew and it flew fast. Opal had watched both his stomach grow and Claude from afar. He wondered if Claude would have been excited to see the birth of their child. For some reason, he doubted it and at last, their son was born.

The baby was a boy with blond hair and later learned that he had white cat like eyes. The baby... cried a lot, like his life depended on it. When the baby had somewhat calmed down, the next second he would start crying. Opal was exhausted by hearing the little thing cry nonstop even though it was the newbie magician, who he named Liberta, and Ariel looking after him.

At first, Opal thought it was because of the exceeding mana he was leaking but clearly that was not the cause seeing how he kept crying even when Opal turned into 7 year old. After trials and failures of understanding why the child was crying so much, Opal grew increasingly worried but later learned that his child was just a scardy cat and extremely shy to new things.

The child did not like the change of arms that carried him or the sudden change of smell. So, Opal ended up carrying him at all times and slept in the same bed with the child instead of using the crib. It did the trick. The baby did not cry as much.

Hoping the child would someday brighten up, Opal named him Helios.


There were a lot of things he was aware of but Helios did not know just as many things.

Ariel told him that, even for a four year old Albanus, Helios was very mature. He was not sure about that since he has not met another Albanus.

He always wondered what was across the lake. It's not like he hated living on the small island with Opal, Ariel, Liberta, and Topaz, but he was curious. He was especially curious about the golden man that stood across the other side of the lake every seventh day.

The child was not sure as to why the golden man stood there every seventh day or why he had the longing look in his crystal blue eyes. Sure, Helios could go across the lake and explore the much bigger world if he wanted since he learned how to float but decided not to because of Opal. Actually, he just didn't like change. He was content and used to the life he was currently living so why go and change it?

Ever since Helios could remember, Opal was... broken? Helios did not know what would be the exact word to describe Opal's state but from the dictionary Ariel had given him, the word 'broken' was close.

Anyhow, Opal did not talk much. When he did, he would tell Helios how Opal was a sinner. It got to the point where Helios got so used to hearing it that he didn't cry about it anymore. There was also never a day when Opal would preach to him 'do not be selfish and do not yearn what's not yours.' He would also be blankly looking at the golden man with a hint of longing but would look away.

Helios did not understand. If Opal wanted to be closer to the golden man then he could just go over but he couldn't say it to Opal because Helios also knew many things.

He knew that the golden man was the cause of his father's sleep walking around the small island and ending up standing in front of the entrance. He was aware that his father was in the depths of guilt and punishment. It also never escaped Helios that Opal was in love with the golden man.

"Young Master, do you want to go out?"

Ariel asked when he noticed Helios watching the other side.

Helios paused for a second in deep thought which Ariel found adorable. The young child would stop whatever he was doing like a rock just to think of an appropriate response.


He finally answered.

"Why not? I am sure Papa would not mind if you go on an excursion."

Helios shook his head.

"I cannot leave Opal's side, not even for a second."

This caused Ariel to be worried. Helios matured too fast. The eldest son sighed as he tried to convince his young master and youngest brother.

"Do not worry about Papa. After you were born, he did get a lot better and he has me and your brothers and sisters by his side. I am sure he wants you to experience the world."

Shaking his head again, Helios explained the reason why he couldn't leave, more like an excuse not to leave.

"That's exactly the reason why I cannot live by his side. The reason Opal got a bit better is because I came into the world. The only way for him to recover is for me to stay by his side."

"Ooh? Is that so? Have a good trip, my son."

Helios heard from behind and a snap. Then suddenly he was lost. He could not understand Opal.

From what he did understand, the White Master had snapped his fingers and the next moment, Helios was looking at the small island in the middle of the lake. What he did not understand was why his father had kicked him out when Opal obviously needed him.

While Helios was contemplating on how to get back to the island, he had not realized a pair of hands reaching out for him from behind until they grabbed him by the shoulders. Of course, Helios became alarmed and turned to look at the one who dared to grab him. His sight was filled with golden strands. It shined against the sun rays and Helios struggled looking away from them but ended up being amazed by how jewels were looking back at him.

Nevertheless, that did not stop Helios to be scared for his life.



"Um... Papa, was that a good idea?"

Ariel asked, feeling quite unsure of the method Opal used to have Helios explore his curiosities.

"Why do you ask?"

The doll took a good look at Opal. The White Master was better but he still looked so exhausted. The man was barely able to keep himself standing, like he would slump over and fall into deep slumber any time soon. Helios's existence really aided Opal's wellbeing so Ariel was reasonably worried.

"The Young Master is very shy and scared about almost anything."

As if on cue, they heard Helios's unique panicked scream before his cries soon followed.


Opal huffed.

"It will be for the best. He will learn that the unknown is not that scary eventually."

Opal turned and went into the small cabin while Ariel stood there. Maybe he will send Liberta to watch over Helios.

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