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Yunho kept his phone in his pocket when the woman kept on calling him. "I'm coming." He rushed to her side and smiled.

"Oppa, can you help me to choose this?" The woman with blonde hair asked as she showed him two dresses with different colour and style.

"Uhh." It's been long since he was asked to choose a dress for someone — Hyejung rarely buys new clothes ever since Soobin was born. Now that Yunho thinks about it, he wondered if his wife did buy a new cloth for herself. As far as he is concerned, he didn't notice any new clothes in her wardrobe. "I think the blue one look good on you."

"Really? Then I'll take this one," she said gleefully and handed the shop assistant the blue dress before she proceeded for the payment.

"Sujin, are we done because lunchtime is over now," Yunho asked as he glanced at his watch and back to the blonde girl.

"Oppa, don't worry. I'll talk to my dad so he won't scold you for coming back late. I'm hungry." She pouted and clung on Yunho's arm. "Can we have lunch first? I promise this will be last for today."

Yunho sighed. He didn't know what he had signed up for. He might regret his decision soon but he was too involved with Sujin to regret it now or later. It was like he already fell into a trap and he can't get out of it.

Cheating? Yunho never once thinks that he's cheating on Hyejung. He did this for her and Soobin.They got married at a young age and though he failed to achieve his dream of becoming an engineer, he still wants to provide the best for the future of his family. Thus he worked hard for it even if it cost him a lot of struggles.

Just bear with it for another month, Yunho.

"She will go back to New York soon," An old man with greyish hair and crinkled face said to Yunho. The lad was called to his office as soon as he went back to the office after that lunch with Sujin. The old man adjusted his glasses and laid back on his leather office chair.

A shiny gold plated with his name — Kim Mujin — carved on it was sitting proudly on top of his huge office desk. The name that everyone feared in this company because he's the fierced CEO of Saejin Electrical Company.

Kim Mujin is the man that brought back the glory to the company after his father failed to maintain its reputation. He's known to be strict and perfectionist.

Hence, one of the reasons Yunho was afraid to refuse when he asked him to accompany his precious daughter while she's staying temporarily in Korea.

"You only have one month and you're free. I will transfer you to the Japan branch as a manager just like I promised before." That was another reason why Yunho was willingly doing this. He wanted that position and living in Japan has always been his dream.

Call him ambitious but he had been working hard ever since he joined this company; he wanted to be rewarded well. Sadly, even after working hard for 6 years and after endless working overtime, he's still in the same position. He was lucky that the previous team leader moved to another branch and Yunho was offered the position due to his previous excellent achievements in work.

"Sujin adored you so much. I have no choice but to grant her wish. You know that he's my only precious daughter I have and it's been long since I met her. She's living with her mother in New York ever since we divorced." Mr. Kim sighed.

Yunho didn't know how Sujin happened to like him. She only told him that she first saw him while visiting her father at the company and she happened to see Yunho — Sujin claimed it was love at the first sight.

"You can do that for my daughter, right? I have reviewed your work over the past years. I must say that I'm impressed by it, so just think of this as a reward for your excellent contributions to the company. You won't lose anything by doing this but you might lose this chance and your current position if my daughter was ever sad about you," he threatened.

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