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Yunho bore into San from behind as he was seating a few rows behind him in a class - both of them took the same English class. He bit his nails as his mind wandered towards the scene from a few days ago.

"It's annoying when he reminded me of that day," Yunho muttered to himself. He tilted his head as he studied San's figure from behind.

He doesn't have a broad shoulder like me; he's short too. His face - well, I admitted that he's handsome but I look better than him. Did Hyejung fall for this not-so-great young guy?

Yunho snorted.

Right, that ahjumma thought that she's young and trying to flirt with a younger guy. She's trying to make her new life spectacular, is it?

Yunho's attention was shifted when Hyejung walked past him with her two friends. They sat in a row adjacent to where San and Yeosang sat.

He noticed the short exchange that she made with San - they smiled at each other when their eyes met; Hyejung glared at Yunho instead when her eyes happened to meet his.

Yunho stuck his tongue at Hyejung in return and it didn't go unnoticed by Yeji who was winking at Wooyoung.

"What's wrong with him? Are you guys close?" Yeji asked Hyejung and the latter shrugged.

"We're not close and I don't know him."

"He looks better with his natural colour hair," Nara complimented Yunho's hair.

"He's ugly," Hyejung unknowingly gave a bad comment which earned both Yeji and Nara's attention.

"Do you not like him?" Nara asked.

"Of course!" Hyejung instantly replied. She pried her gaze away from her book and looked at Yeji and Nara; their curious expression slapped Hyejung in her head - she realised that she just aroused their suspicion.

"Uh, what I mean was-" Hyejung tried to think of something to explain but was interrupted when San suddenly sat besides her. She gave him a quizzical look.

"What?" San acted like nothing unusual happened. "I'm free to sit anywhere I want and this spot gives a better view to the lecture at the front."

Yeji -who was sitting besides Hyejung - nudged at her. "Is he trying to hit on you?" she whispered to her ear and giggled.

Hyejung shrugged. At least he saved me from giving an explanation to them about Yunho.

"Hi, I'm Yeosang," Yeosang winked as he introduced himself to the three women. His soft blonde hair bounced a bit as he tilted his head sideward to look at them.

"I'm Yeji."

"I'm Nara."

Yeosang raised his brows at Hyejung when she remained quiet. "You?" he asked.

"Hyejung," she replied shortly.

The blonde chuckled. "Cute."

San cleared his throat and glared at Yeosang. The latter stifled a laugh as he never sees his friend react that way towards a woman; San seemed to have an interest at Hyejung and Yeosang could smell it.

He usually acts indifferent when women try to gain his attention unlike Yeosang who loves the attention.

Yeosang noticed that San would occasionally steal a glance at Hyejung and a small smile crept on his face. So this idiot likes that girl. He chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

Unbeknownst to San and Yeosang that there's two guys behind who bore into them; if their eyes could shoot fire, both men would probably be dead by now.

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now