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The bright sunlight illuminating Hyejung's room as the lass was sleeping soundly with her soft blanket covering up to her face, blocking any light that could threaten her sleep.

A smile crept on her face as she was dreaming about dating an unknown handsome rich guy who pampered her with gifts and sweet talk. The guy even gave her a pet name — princess — and Hyejung never thought that it would sound sexy coming out from his mouth.

Sadly, her happiness didn't last longer when Yunho's face suddenly appeared in her dream, causing her grin to turn lopsided. She thought it had turned into a nightmare when Yunho suddenly acted cute and clinging to her arm like a little kid deprived of attention.

She rolled on her bed in an attempt to exorcist Yunho away from her sweet dream until she fell off the bed and her head hit the wooden floor below.

"Ouch!" Hyejung yelped in pain and her eyes shot open. She rubbed the back of her head that had hit the hard wooden floor and looked around the room. "Is it morning already? Why is it so quiet outside."

Hyejung couldn't hear any sound that could indicate there's living humans inside the house. "Is everyone out?" She wiped the corner of her lips and casted a glance at the small alarm clock on her bed table.

Her eyes almost popped out when she realised that she will be late for the class. "Shit! I got a presentation today!"

Hyejung dashed towards the bathroom — almost tripped in the process — and quickly freshened herself up. She tied her hair up into a messy bun and wore simple clothes — skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt — not forgetting to smear her favourite coral coloured lipstick.

"I need to at least look presentable, am I?" She made a quick check on the long mirror.

Hyejung rushed to her table and shoved her notebooks into her bag before she grabbed a random jacket that she saw; not bothering if the colour matched her outfit.

At this moment, she wished she had at least a bicycle. She ran all the way from her house to the nearest bus stop which was not as near as one thought and she made a mental note to make a complaint at the town mayor for not providing enough necessities for the town people.

"Wait!" Hyejung yelled when she noticed the bus that she always takes to the university already departed from the stop. Hyejung stopped and panted hard; she couldn't run anymore and her legs had given up. She already used all her morning energy since she only ate a piece of toast — her mother went out early in the morning to go hiking with her friends so there's no breakfast on the table.

"Great, I need to wait for another 20 minutes for the next bus to come." Hyejung glanced at her watch. "And there's hardly a taxi here." Again, she took a mental note to add more complaints. She slumped onto the bench at the bus stop to catch her breath.

"What a good day to start."

She stared at the blue sky and breath out. The weather was too good for her to feel sombre early in the morning. She fanned herself with a book that she was holding in her hand. The sound of the birds happily chirping on the tree branch felt more like mocking rather than comforting to her.

Suddenly, the sound of a car honking jolted Hyejung out of her trance. A black sedan car stopped in front of the bus stop and the tinted window of the car was rolled down — she was greeted by a smiling San who happened to be the driver.

"Choi San?"

"Hop in."

"Huh?" Hyejung was still baffled by his sudden appearance.

"You don't want to be late for the class, don't you?"

Hyejung blinked. "Oh, yes. Right." She quickly walked towards the passenger seat and climbed into the car. "I didn't know you brought a car to the class."

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