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Hyejung yawned as she sat on the bench inside the basketball court. Yeji had dragged both her and Nara to watch the boys practise; she was not interested since she knew Yunho would be there. Hyejung thought Nara would think the same but to her dismay, she couldn't leave her eyes at one particular person — Seonghwa.

Thus, she was forced to sit here until the practise ended — how unlucky she felt right now.

Hyejung tilted her head at Nara; in the past, she didn't seem to be interested in Seonghwa but why now? Has her past changed too? Did it change due to the fact that both Yunho and Hyejung tried their hardest to not cross their path; their actions resulted in both Seonghwa and Nara to cross paths with each other?

Hyejung tried to remember their relationship back in the past.

Our meeting at the party.

In the past, Yunho didn't leave the table as they both were engrossed with each other. The two of them had met a lot in the past without the presence of the others, thus Seonghwa and Nara rarely meet each other.

Unlike now where they prefer to stick with their friends.

Does it mean their future might change? Hyejung trailed from Nara to Seonghwa. I don't really know Seonghwa but I trust him to be a good guy, unlike— Her gazes fell onto Yunho and she rolled her eyes.

"Nice shot!" Yeji exclaimed, snapping Hyejung from her trail of thoughts.

Wooyoung had scored a field goal and was currently making his little dance of ceremony. He shot a glance at Yeji and gave her his flirty wink; the latter blew him a flying kiss and giggled excitedly.

Hyejung curled her upper lips at their interactions. "Gross," she muttered.

There's a wave of cheers from the girls who were watching the basketball team practising too. All of the members in the team were famous for their hot and athletic bodies besides having good looking faces.

Hyejung used to be one of the girls who cheered for Yunho but not now; she rather engrossed herself with something else and not Yunho.

"Thanks for coming!" Wooyoung chimed as he and Seonghwa made their way towards them. The practise had ended and the members were catching their breath as well as interacting with the girls that came down to approach them.

Seonghwa raked her slender fingers through her sweaty hair and Hyejung swore that she could see, from the corner of her eyes, Nara was gulping at the sight and blushed profusely.

"You did great, Woo!" Yeji gave him a water bottle which he gladly took.

"Uh, where's Yunho?" Nara cleared her throat and steered her gaze away from Seonghwa — she was blushing hard when she realised what she was doing a minute before.

"Over there." Seonghwa pointed at Yunho who was talking to some of the girls. "Are you not feeling well?" Seonghwa asked when he spotted Nara's red face.

"I'm fine, really." She chuckled nervously. "Isn't that Soo Ah?" Nara tried to divert the attention back to Yunho.

They simultaneously turned to look at Yunho — the girls from before had dispersed and he was now talking alone to Soo Ah.

"Their relationship is growing fast, don't they?" Wooyoung snickered.

Hyejung scoffed at the sight. The laughter that erupted from both Yunho and Soo Ah annoyed her. What's so funny? The smile that graced his face seemed so genuine as if he really enjoyed having her as a company.

"Isn't it funny, honey?" Hyejung asked her husband soon after she told him about the funny incidents that happened while she was doing her grocery shopping. "I swear the smug look on that old lady's face instantly swept away the moment the other old lady spat her venom. I must say, the chicken fight that they were having was the most interesting thing that happened at the supermarket."

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