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Hyejung threw the dirty clothes inside the laundry basket and crossed towards the bed to grab the small dress that she had prepared earlier. "Jeong Soobin, stop playing around and wear your shirt now!" She scolded her 6 years old son who was playing with his toy train; he was still half naked and only wore his black trouser shorts.

When her son ignored her scolding, she went out of the room and put her hands on her hip. "Soobin, wear your shirt before mommy — Dabin don't eat that! That's not food! — Jeong Soobin, did you listen to what I said?!"

The living room was a mess; the toys were scattering around; Dabin, their 1 years old daughter was rummaging through the box where all the toys were kept; Soobin was now running around the house while Hyejung tried to catch him and force him to wear his shirt. It was a chaotic morning inside the Jeong household.

"Honey, where's my shirt?" Yunho came out from the room wearing only his slack since he couldn't find his ironed shirt.

"I hung it inside the wardrobe — Soobin, don't run! — honey can you catch this boy!" Hyejung swore her life span was now reduced by 10 years with all the chaos she had to go through early in the morning. "Dabin, sweetie, don't eat that!" Her eyes widened in horror when her daughter almost ate the small toy that she was holding in her tiny hands.

The little girl giggled when her mother scooped her up from the floor and brought her towards the room. Hyejung laid her down on the bed and took the lotion and baby powder inside the basket before she applied it on her little body.

Yunho caught Soobin and put him on his shoulder like a sack. He slapped his butt. "Little man, you should listen to mummy."

"I want to play!" The boy wriggled to free himself but Yunho was obviously stronger than him. "Also, daddy, I'm not a little man! I'm a big brother now."

Yunho just laughed at his son. "Right, you're a big boy now. You should take care of your little sister." Who knows that Soobin actually grew up into a tall boy just like they had predicted; he's taller than his peers. "We need to get ready. Uncle Wooyoung and Aunt Yeji are getting married today."


"I almost thought someone was dying today." Nara chuckled when Hyejung entered the bridal room with Soobin. "Where's Dabin?"

"She's with her father. Try and take care of 2 kids, you will understand me." Hyejung rolled her eyes.

"I have a daughter but sometimes I feel like I have a son instead," Nara glanced down at her 6 years old daughter, Park Yeonhwa, who was now grinning when she spotted Soobin. She and Seonghwa had named her Yeonhwa since they adored the little girl, Yeonhwa, that they met at the orphanage; she was also the reason both Nara and Seonghwa realised their feelings for each other.

Both kids ran towards each other and they were giggling. Their mothers let them play in the corner of the room.

"You guys are making me jealous," Yeji who was sitting on the wedding sofa pouted. She was wearing a simple white ruffle wedding dress with a bouquet of roses in her hands. Her hair was curled and styled into a chignon, giving her a sophisticated look.

"You will have one soon." Hyejung smiled at Yeji and pointed at her stomach; she was pregnant for 3 weeks now. "We should be jealous because you look so beautiful today!"

"You guys helped me to choose the dress," Yeji giggled as she stood up and twirled around to show her dress.

"I can't believe we are all married now," Nara squealed and pulled her two other friends into a group hug.

"Right," Hyejung agreed. She didn't expect that Nara and Seonghwa would fall in love with each other and ended up getting married. As for Yeji and Wooyoung, she was glad that they had reconciled and now they're getting married too. All her friends meet a happy ending, just like her.

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