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*3 months before divorced*

"Mommy!" A little boy cried as he banged his small fist on the door repeatedly. He refused to leave, not until his mother opened the door for him.

"Soobin, can you give me 5 minutes?" Hyejung shouted from inside. She sighed as she just entered the toilet and not even a minute passed, her 4 years old son ran to the door begging for her to not leave him outside.

"Is Yunho still sleeping?" she groaned when Soobin didn't stop crying. Hyejung gave up and went to the door to open it.

As soon as her face appeared, Soobin stopped crying and he giggled at his mother; Hyejung's heart instantly melted at her son's cute expression. "This is why you never lose to me." She pinched his chubby cheek and scooped him from the floor.

Hyejung went back to sit on the toilet bowl while holding her son on her arm. Soobin wrapped his arms around her mother's neck and played with her hair. He loves playing with his mother's brown silky hair whenever she carries him; sometimes it makes him fall asleep.

"I should throw a bucket of water at him." She rolled her eyes, annoyed that her husband was still happily sleeping while she was forced to wake up when Soobin kept on tugging on her sleeves right at 5.30 am in the morning; she needed to prepare breakfast anyway so she involuntarily woke up 30 minutes earlier from her usual routine just to entertain her son.

"Speaking of the devil," Hyejung muttered when her eyes caught Yunho who was about to enter the toilet with his lid half opened. He yawned and rubbed the remainder of the sleep from his eyes.

Yunho's eyes widened and his body jerked backward when he saw Hyejung sitting on the toilet bowl with their son. "Goodness, Hyejung! You surprised me!"

Hyejung didn't respond and just glared at her husband. Her lips twitched as she looked at him up and down — Yunho was wearing a white t-shirt and striped shorts with his jet black hair poking at different directions.

Her younger self would think he looked cute.

"You should have closed the door," he commented while scratching his back. "And why are you holding Soobin in the toilet?" he added before he left to the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water.

"Why did I bother to cook him breakfast?" she grumbled as she watched her husband leave.


Hyejung slumped on her office chair as soon as she reached her office. The moment she became a mother, her morning was like a war. From feeding the baby to waking up her husband and preparing his breakfast.

The first year of becoming a mother was bearable since she took a few months of maternity leave and Yunho had been helping her in taking care of Soobin.

But happiness didn't always last longer.

Her nightmare came when Soobin started to learn to walk. It's a lie if she says she's not happy seeing him learning how to walk. In fact she felt overwhelmed with happiness. After all, that's what parents should feel; seeing your child growing is a blessing.

It's a blessing yet it can become your worst nightmare too.

Soobin was a quick learner — he managed to walk right when he reached his first birthday. That's when his curiosity grew bigger. The little kid managed to reach and grab everything that he sees and he loves to put everything into his mouth.

Hyejung and Yunho were having a hard time keeping eyes on their little son. Soon after, it became a lone war for her.

Her husband was promoted to a team leader and thus his workload piles more. He went to more after-office dinners which ended with him going back home late and drunk. There were also nights where he didn't come home and left a text message saying that he's working overtime.

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