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"Soobin..." Yunho mumbled when he saw a boy walking with his mother. The boy was smiling at something that his mother had told her; probably she promised him to buy something. His breath hitched and he felt his eyes glistened with tears.

"I'm sorry..." He didn't know to whom he's apologising too.

Maybe to Hyejung or maybe to Soobin.

He kept on mumbling those words like a prayer. Hyejung's word from previous night rang in his head like a torment. He couldn't focus on his daily task so he decided to grab a drink by himself. Yunho didn't want to bother explaining to his friends or anyone so he just kept it to himself.

Yunho emptied the content of the Soju glass and poured another one. It had been his second bottle and he's still not fully drunk yet. He rubbed his head with his hands, hoping that the alcohol would fully get into his system and let him be drawn into an oblivion.

The situation seemed familiar; he had done this before after he got into a fight with Hyejung. He was a mess.

"I'm a mess myself." Yunho chuckled to himself and continued to drink another shot of Soju. He grabbed the glass bottle to pour himself another drink but it was empty. Yunho groaned. He quickly called the owner and ordered another bottle of Soju.

Yunho propped his head on a hand while waiting. The noises from the people in the small restaurant didn't bother him at all; he wished those noises could make him stop thinking about his problem.

Suddenly his ears perked when he heard a familiar voice — it was Junghyun. The guy that Yunho despised right now. He didn't know he would despise this guy that much. Yunho never bothered about him in the past but now this guy reminded him of Jun. The thought of them having a similarity in their evil characteristic made Yunho want to puke.

"I better ignore him."

That's what he wanted to do until he heard Junghyun talking about Hyejung. He seemed to be having a conversation with his group of friends.

Yunho glanced over his shoulder; Junghyun was oblivious of his presence due to the packed restaurant.

"I saw her a few days ago alone."


"That hot girl."

His friends laughed. "Are you still chasing her?"

"I was about to ask her for a drink but some annoying guy just appeared out of nowhere."

"Was that how you got a bruise on your face?"

"He's as annoying as Yunho. I would get the taste of her if he didn't interrupt our session."

Yunho's hand balled into a fist and anger bubbled up in his stomach.

"Something did happen and that's why I called you."  

"I shouldn't have my hopes up."

His train of thoughts was interrupted when the old lady who owned the restaurant came with his bottle of Soju. Yunho turned back to Junghyun's direction and he was nowhere to be seen; the lad went out to smoke. Where did he go?

Yunho stood up abruptly and crossed towards the counter to pay for his drinks. He didn't wait for the change and headed straight outside to find Junghyun. His steps quickened as his anger rose.

He saw Junghyun at an alley; he was leaning against a wall while smoking alone. The alley was a bit dark so Junghyun couldn't see Yunho when he marched towards him. A sudden blow to Junghyun's face sent him to the floor.

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