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Why did I keep on seeing him everywhere I go?

Hyejung felt annoyed that they kept on seeing each other despite how much she tried to avoid him. She took another piece of the beef and wrapped it with a salad before she dipped it into a sauce.

One would think that she's extremely hungry; she was hungry but the annoyance that she was feeling right now increased her appetite.

San watched her eating in amazement; he never saw a girl eating like a fighter before and it baffled him. He grilled more beef when the cooked pieces of beef were about to finish. They already ordered 2 servings of beef and San only ate a quarter of it.

"Chew the food slowly. Your stomach will be upset if you eat too fast." He chuckled.

"You will understand me once you—" Hyejung paused when she realised she's about to mention Soobin again. "Hungry."

"You got sauce on your lips." San took a napkin and wiped it off for her.

Yunho's eyes bulged when he saw the incident and slammed the small glass on the table a little bit too hard that it caused Soo Ah to flinch. She looked up at Yunho and furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Is there anything wrong?" Soo Ah followed his eyes and noticed that he's looking at Hyejung. "Do you know her?"

"Huh?" Her question snapped Yunho's eyes away from Hyejung. "Who?"

"That woman over there." She pointed at Hyejung. "You kept on looking at her."

"Uh, she's—" Yunho bit his lower lips as he tried to think of a lie. "She's my cousin!" He didn't know where the idea came from but Yunho applauded himself for being able to create a pretty good lie.

"Your cousin?" Seonghwa suddenly interrupted, causing Yunho to almost curse due to the shock. "Where?" Seonghwa threw a look around the restaurant and spotted Hyejung. "You guys went to the same restaurant." A mischievous smirk played on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" Yunho asked. "Did you—" His query was answered when Wooyoung and two of Hyejung's friends approached them.

"Jeong Yunho! Why are you here?" Wooyoung beamed and his eyes trailed towards Soo Ah; he gave Yunho a knowing look.

"I didn't expect the two of you to be here," Yeji said as soon as he spotted both Yunho and Hyejung. "But you guys sat separately."

Soon after, the moment that both Yunho and hyejung dreaded the most came; they were forced to sit at the same table and worse, facing each other.

"The more the merrier!" Was what Yeji said when she decided that they should combine the table and eat together.

"Why are you guys here and with the two of them?" Hyejung asked Yeji and Nara while pointing at both Seonghwa and Wooyoung.

"We happened to meet while we're about to grab dinner so we decided to go together." Yeji shrugged. "What's with you and San?" She wriggled her brows.

San almost chokes on his drink and his face heated when Yeji threw the question.

"We met at the library," Hyejung answered.

Yunho scoffed. "Is it some kind of a K-drama?" he mumbled and took another sip of his drink.

"Then, what about you, ahjussi?" Hyejung emphasised the last word.

"Ahjussi? This ahjumma doesn't know what she's talking about," Yunho scowled.

"Are you guys close to each other?" Wooyoung cocked his brow and looked at both Yunho and Hyejung back and forth.

"Yunho said Hyejung is his cousin," Soo Ah explained.

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