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The sun was shining brightly even though the weather forecast stated that there will be a heavy downpour today. The wind was gently blowing through the leaves and brushing against Hyejung's skin.

She was sitting silently at the bus stop while waiting for the bus to come. Her hand was holding an envelope that contained her divorce documents that she received. Though she felt relieved that the long and tiring process ended, she still was not used to the fact that they were officially divorced.

None of them couldn't find the answer as to what had gone wrong but neither of them wanted to continue living together. They decided this was the best choice for both of them.

The sound of her phone ringing snapped Hyejung out of her train of thoughts. "Hello mom," she answered the call.

"Is it...done?" Hyejung's mother asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's done and I'm fine." She stood up when the bus came. "Mom, I'm on my way home. Is Soobin sleeping?"

"Yeah." Her mother sighed. "He missed his father. Maybe you should let him meet Yunho on the weekend."

Hyejung walked down the bus aisle and took a seat besides the window. "I will later. Mom, I'm on the bus already. See you at home," she replied and hung up the call.

Hyejung leaned her head against the window and looked outside. The bus was not packed since not many people use it. She slid open the window and breathed in the air as she let the wind blow her hair.

She glanced at her wedding ring that glistened as the sunlight shone upon the diamond ring. It used to be her most treasured item but now it bears no meaning. Hyejung took it off and held it up to take a closer look at it.

"It's time to say goodbye." She threw the ring outside the window. It rolled down on the tarmac and towards the side of the road. The ring suddenly vibrated on the ground and at the same time, the bus that Hyejung took was shaking too as if there's an earthquake.

She panicked when the bus shook violently to the point she needed to hold the pole nearby. Sweats trickling on her forehead and she crouched forward, chanting a prayer hoping that she will be saved.

Soon when the ring vanished like a dust into the air, the bus stopped shaking and Hyejung looked at her surroundings. The other passengers inside the bus seemed to not be affected by it and they were sitting calmly on their respective seats as if nothing happened. A highschool girl who was sitting in front of her was bobbing her head slightly as she was enjoying the song that she was listening to on her headphones.

"Huh? Am I the only one who feels it?"


"I'm home!" Yunho took off his shoes and shuffled towards his room. His parents were sitting in front of the television while enjoying the cut fruits. They didn't even bother to greet him.

"Why did you cheat on her?" His older sister who walked down the stairs asked and slapped the back of his head.

"Nice shot, Yuna." His mother gave his older sister a thumbs up while her eyes still glued to the screen.

Yunho rubbed the back of his head and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever." He went inside his room with a plastic bag full of cans of beer. He took off his jacket and sat on his study chair.

Yunho opened a can of beer and took a big gulp of it. His eyes landed on a frame of a picture of him and Hyejung when they first coupled — she kissed him on the cheek while they took a selfie together.

"You did a great job, Yunho. That was the best choice." He sighed and emptied the can of beer before he opened another one.

"And you—" Yunho held up his hand where his wedding ring was on. "You went through a lot. You'd done a good job too. Now it's time for you to go." He took off the ring and threw it outside the window.

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