15: DATE

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"Let's go and play at the arcade!" Wooyoung chirped at his friends as soon as the class ended. He was so excited to try the games at the newly opened arcade at the town that he couldn't wait for the class to end.

His excitement vanished when his two friends gave him an uninterested look.

"I have an appointment with someone," Seonghwa said as he packed his books inside his bag.

"Me too." Yunho raised his hand.

"Are you two going to ditch me? Really?" Wooyoung couldn't believe that he would be left alone by his two friends without prior notice. He thought that they're always free after class — they always have nothing planned beforehand — and a sense of betrayal hit him; the two of them had a plan with someone at the same time.

"You two plan to ditch me together, did you?" Wooyoung's face frowned into sulk.

Yunho and Seonghwa looked at each other and shrugged. "Didn't know that he had a plan either," Seonghwa replied flatly. "Well, I got to go. See you guys tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, Woo!" Yunho tapped the sulky Wooyoung's shoulder and crossed towards the exit door.

"Ugh! This is betrayal!" Wooyoung stomped out of the class.


"Why are you in a hurry?" Yeji asked when Nara quickly packed her books inside her bag after the lecture ended the class. The latter didn't answer as her hands were busy packing her things while her mind was filled with worries.

We're just going to study together, why are you so anxious, Nara! How couldn't she be when for the past few days she can't seem to not think about the raven-haired guy; she even had gone as far as asking if he wanted to study together with her at the library — to her utter surprise, he agreed.

"Girls, I have somewhere important to go. See you guys tomorrow!" With that, she turned on her heels and left the class before her friends could respond.

"I was about to ask if she wanted to have lunch first." Yeji blinked at how fast she left; though she felt suspicious about Nara's behaviour, she brushed it off as her stomach was too hungry to decipher the meaning.

"At least I have you. Let's go and eat! I'm hungry." Yeji wrapped her hand around Hyejung's shoulder and they both walked out of the class.

The sun shone brightly upon them as both Yeji and Hyejung stepped out of the building; the heat of the summer instantly hit their skin. Hyejung smiled at the bright blue sky and basked in the warmth emanated from the sun.

It was the first time her heart felt light after her soul had travelled back here. It was as if her worries and anxiety had washed away. Is this how it feels to truly start a new life? Her days were filled with joy since she and Yunho had decided to become friends.

"That was not a bad idea after all." Hyejung chuckled.

"Right! Let's go to that ramen shop!" Yeji beamed when she thought that Hyejung agreed to her suggestion.

"Huh?" Hyejung raised her brows, not understanding what had happened as she was not paying attention to what Yeji said before.

"The new ramen shop. Let's go there."

"Oh, okay." Hyejung blinked and followed Yeji's lead. She's hungry too so it doesn't matter where Yeji will bring her to — she's not a picky eater either. The sound of her phone beeping stopped Hyejung on track. She pulled out her phone from her bag and saw a new incoming message.

"Huh? Who's this?" She opened and read the message from the unknown number.

'It's me, San. You left your journal and jacket inside my car. If you're free today, let's meet at the Nero cafe.'

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