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Yunho paced around his room as he pondered upon a matter. He had been that way since an hour ago and it seemed like the hour had passed without any fruitful conclusion. He slammed the door open, causing his sister who was sitting in the living room watching her favourite series to jump in shock.

"For God sake can you please open the door nicely?" Yuna snapped.

"Noona!" He waddled towards the sofa where his sister was sitting and sat beside her. He was looking at Yuna like a lost puppy. His mouth opened to say something but he closed it again as he thought she was not worth asking.

"What?" She was evidently annoyed at her younger brother.

"Nothing." He turned around to face the television and heaved a small sigh.

"Say it idiot! You're making me curious!" Yuna slapped the back of Yunho's head, causing the latter to grumble.

"What's with that slap?" Yunho complained and glared at his sister.

"In case it can trigger your memory," Yuna replied nonchalantly. "Spill it. What do you want to ask?"

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. "Look, if a guy asks you to go to a festival with him, will you say yes? Just the two of you."

"What kind of lame question is that? I will if I have an interest in him. I wouldn't bother going if I have no slightest intention to date the guy."

"If he's your ex?"

"If I want us to get back together then it's a yes, of course. There's no harm in giving it a second chance." Yuna shrugged and glanced at Yunho. "Are you going to ask someone out?"

"Huh?" His cheeks and ears were reddened when Yuna asked the question. Truthfully, he had been thinking about asking Hyejung to watch the fireworks together with him. It had been long since they watched it together, though this time with the absence of Soobin.

However, something inside him was contemplating if it's the right thing to do.

After all, they decided to remain friends. Does him asking her out equal to asking her for a date? Will she find it weird? Will Hyejung thinks that he's trying to mend their broken relationship and decides to stay away from him since she might already fall for someone else.

Deep inside, there's part of him that wanted to make the thing right again; he wanted to make up with her. There's still a lingering feeling inside him. If he was being honest, there's not a single moment he didn't love Hyejung. Adulting had caught up with him — especially when they got married early and were trying to adjust themselves to the marriage life — that sometimes he forgot to show her how much she meant to him.

However, part of him was scared that he would end up ruining it and she would get hurt again. He doubted his ability to make Hyejung happy again; the reason why he pushed her away when they first met after they travelled the time.

Something that Hyejung didn't know and he himself didn't have the intention to tell her. He silently wished that she would find her new happiness that she deserves.

"I guess I'm right," Yuna said with a smirk when she noticed his reddened ears and he was being quiet. "My little brother is going to ask someone out. When did you grow this big, huh?" She pinched both his cheeks but Yunho slapped her hands away.

"I'm a grown up man, if you haven't noticed that and—" he trailed off; Yunho was about to mention that he married first before his sister but they're in the past so Yuna would obviously not believe that.


"And I'm not asking anyone out." Yet. "Anyway, thanks for entertaining my questions." He stood up and paced towards his room before Yuna squeezed out more information about Hyejung.

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now