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"Another coming." Yunho scooped a chicken, not forgetting to hide some vegetables inside it and pretended like the spoon was flying like an aeroplane before it reached Jongho's mouth. The little boy giggled excitedly and munched the food that was fed to him. It didn't take him long to like Yunho.

"Jongho has never eaten vegetables before," Mingi said, amazed that Yunho managed to make him eat the greens.

"Really?" Yunho looked at Jongho who was sitting on his lap. "You need to eat vegetables if you want to grow taller like me."

Yunho knew how to make kids eat vegetables because that's how he made Soobin eat his greens. He even fed him stories of how a man turned into a dwarf because he never ate his greens. Soobin cried all night and Yunho ended up getting scolded by Hyejung; his son ate his vegetables the next day. Remembering about it made Yunho smile from ear to ear.

"Vegetables are gross," Jongho pouted.

"You ate one just now," Yunho let out a small laugh.

"Because hyung fed me!" Jongho's eyes beamed at him. Yunho couldn't help but to pinch his chubby cheeks lightly; the little boy was too adorable.

"Alright, hyung will feed Jongho food but promise me to eat the vegetables, okay?" Yunho reached out his pinky finger at Jongho. The boy looked at it and gave it a few seconds thought before he sealed it with his little pinky finger. "Good boy." Yunho ruffled his hair.

"Are you doing good, little man?" Yunho turned to check on Mingi who was sitting beside him. There's only three of them sitting at the table.

"Hyung, I'm not a little man! I'm a big boy and I want to become tall like you so that I can protect my brother!" Mingi grinned widely and his eyes turned into a slit shape.

"Jongho wants to protect Mingi hyung too!"

Yunho smiled warmly at the two siblings. It warmed his heart at how strong their love is. Maybe because they both lost their parents and they only have each other to protect. He hopes that whoever adopts them will not separate these two brothers.

"Hyung, let's play hide and seek after lunch with the others!" Mingi said excitedly.

"Yeay! Jongho likes playing hide and seek!" His short legs were kicking the air excitedly and he bounced his body a bit.

"Should we?" Yunho grinned.


Everyone scurried for hiding when Yeosang started to count with his eyes closed and his front body leaned against one of the trees. The sound of the children giggling can be heard as they tried to find a good hiding place.

The excitement heightened when Yeosang was done counting and started on a mission of searching for the others. Everyone kept their mouth shut, afraid of being found by him. Yeosang could see some of the kids but he didn't want to kill the fun so he pretended like he didn't see them.

"You lot are good at hiding, aren't you?" he said as he walked slowly with his hands clasped behind.

Yunho was crawling behind the bushes and towards behind a wall when he spotted Hyejung was sitting there with her knees tucked towards her chest. Her eyes widened and she quickly pulled Yunho towards her when she saw Yeosang was nearby.

Luckily he didn't see them because the situation their position was embarrassing to be witnessed by him; Yunho fell on top of Hyejung with his face only an inch away from her but he managed to prop his elbows on the side so that his weight did not fully fall on her.

A shiver crawled on Hyejung's spine when she felt his breath fanning her skin. The heat emanating from his body grazing her skin and her heart started to thump faster. She didn't even push him away, as if she wanted him to lean closer so that their lips would touch. His soft and sweet lips, she missed to have a taste of it.

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