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Hyejung's eyes trained on the hoop in front of her while she shifted on her legs to get the right position; she stood with her feet shoulder-width apart. Hyejung bent her knees and leaned forward slightly with her hands in a ready position to shoot the ball.

As soon as the timer started, she swiftly grabbed the rolling ball and threw it towards the hoop; it went through the basket rim continuously and without fail. Her eyes never leave the hoop and her hands keep on shooting the balls with an amazing speed. The score went up with each ball that went through the rim.

San watched her play with his jaw dropped — it astonished him that he froze on spot.

"I win!" Hyejung jumped in excitement when the game ended and her score was higher than San. She turned around to San and smiled from ear to ear as she couldn't content her joy. "The loser will pay for the ice cream!" She smirked.

"You're lying when you say you're not good at this game, aren't you?"

Hyejung shrugged. "Didn't say I am bad either." She stuck her tongue at him.

They had agreed that the loser for the game will pay for the ice cream. Hyejung always plays the arcade basketball game with Yunho before and he had taught her a few tips on how to score the game. Though it's been a long time since she played at the arcade, she gathered that her body still remembered the movements; it came off naturally as if she was born for it.

"Do you want to play another round?" Hyejung challenged him.

"My pride already hurt so nope. I don't want to be hurt twice."

Hyejung laughed at his reply.

San pouted and folded his hands across his chest, earning more laughter from her. "I think I know why you're popular with girls."

"What do you mean?"

Hyejung clasped her hands behind and stepped forward towards San with a smile etched on her face. San's eyes widened when Hyejung leaned her face closer. She didn't say anything but flicked her fingers at his forehead before she stepped backward and let out a small laugh.

"A flick for the loser." She chuckled. "Let's go and buy the ice cream!" said Hyejung and began walking.

San let out his breath that he unknowingly held. "What was that?" His eyes averted towards her and he touched his forehead. Before he knew it, a sheepish smile made its way on his face.


San huffed when the ice cream man managed to dodge his grasp and retrieved back the ice cream cone. It was his 3rd time being fooled by the foreigner-looking man and failed to get the ice cream; when he did manage to grab the ice cream cone, the man took the ice cream and he was only left with the empty ice cream cone.

"You should try again, young man," said the ice cream man with a playful smirk that graced his face. San rolled his eyes at him.

"Can't you just give it?" San said frustratingly.

"Where's the fun if I give it to you easily." The man glanced at Hyejung. "Okay, if you get it this time, I will give you one free ice cream for your pretty girlfriend. Deal?" He winked and San coughed at his mention of girlfriend.

"Come on, San. You can do it!" Hyejung cheered at San, not bothering about the previous statement made by the ice cream man as she was too impatient to eat the ice cream.

"Uh...okay." San cleared his throat and fixed his gaze at the ice cream man. I will definitely grab that damn ice cream. His eyes were full of determination. He rolled his sleeves while adjusting his position.

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