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Romantic love stories end with marriages. For Yunho and Hyejung, their love story too ended with a happy ending. After going through so much, marriage was like the final result and the end of the roller coaster journey of their love.

"I do." Yunho smiled widely at the loves of his life as he vowed in front of the priest and the guests that came to witness their ceremony. He slipped the diamond ring onto Hyejung's finger and sealed their promise to love each other with a kiss.

Well, that's what they think — that they had finally opened the door of blessing and will live happily ever after.

It never crosses their mind that they will be standing in front of the Seoul Family Court while holding their divorce agreement document, 8 years later.

Yunho looked at the blue sky as they both stood outside after they reached their settlement in court. He let out a sigh and turned to the side. "Well." He reached out his hand for a handshake.

Hyejung glanced down at his hand and up to his face. She raised her brows. "What?"

"You have been through a lot so I want to at least thank you for what you have done as my wife for the past 8 years." He smiled.

Hyejung's lips twitched into a smile. She grabbed Yunho's hand and returned the handshake. "Right. I should at least thank you too, you scumbag." She smirked.

"Scum - scumbag?" His smile faltered.

"Don't forget the alimony." She swat his hand away.

Yunho scoffed and tucked both his hands into his trouser's pockets. "It's not even a lot of money. I will make sure to pay it on time even if I have to live on eating ramen. I don't want to owe you money."

"Do you even know how to cook ramen?" Hyejung snorted at him. "You can't even fry a proper egg."

"You better don't look down on me! I'm the one who clean after Soobin when he peed or pooped"

Hyejung rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever Mr. Jeong Yunho. Well, you better keep your word." She turned on her heels and ready to leave but halted his step when Yunho called her. "What?" She glanced over her shoulder.

He scratched his nape as he tried to arrange his words. "I promise I won't interfere with your life but can you please—" He stared at her and his eyes glinted with hope. "Let me visit Soobin often?"

Yunho's request tugged at her heart. Even when they already divorced, Yunho is still the father of her son. He may not be a good husband to her but he's a good father to Soobin.

"Yeah, sure." She nodded before she looked forward and continued walking.

Yunho watched Hyejung climb down the stairs and further away from him. His young self 8 years ago, he would have chased and begged her to not leave him. How ironic that years later, he would just watch her leave him and not come back forever.

How can love fade away after years of living together?

How can a couple who had sworn in front of hundreds of people that they will love each other but a few years later declared in court that they want a divorce?

Isn't marriage supposed to bring two people who love each other together forever?

Why does marriage bring a couple apart instead?

Where did things go wrong?

Neither of them have the answer.

"Goodbye, Seo Hyejung." Yunho smiled meekly before he too walked towards a different direction from her.

After all, not all marriages will have a happy ending. Some may last until death brings them apart and some may last only after a few years of their marriage, just like Yunho and Hyejung. Marriage is not a happy ending.

A/N: Hello dear readers. I was debating whether I should post this because Masquerade is still ongoing so I'm afraid I cant post update as frequent as I can.

But my dear friend requested me to post the prologue and to honour her request, I posted this :')
*You better love me more dear friend XD
Hope yall enjoy and I'm sorry but u guys might need to wait until i finish my Masquerade before i post next chap.

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