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If one could tell her which one is a reality and which one is false, she would love for that person to tell her right at this moment. Her vision was blurred due to her tears and she doubted that her mind was thinking straight; she was afraid she was just making up things and being delusional.

"Hyejung." Yunho fell onto his knee in front of Hyejung and pulled her into a hug; the latter remained stiff.

"I'm not dreaming, right? Please tell me this is not a dream," Hyejung whispered.

"It's me, Hyejung. I'm back." Yunho's voice was shaking and he hugged her tighter. Tears threatened to fall on his cheek.

Hyejung pulled away slightly just to see his face. She lifted her shaky hands and touched his cheek. "You're warm. It feels so real. You feel so real." Yunho leaned in to her touch and he couldn't contain his tears anymore as it fell onto his cheek. He turned his face slightly to kiss her palm.

"I thought I wouldn't meet you again. I thought you left me alone in this world. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do," Hyejung sobbed.

Yunho pulled her face onto his chest and caressed her hair softly. "I'm sorry, Hyejung. I'm here now. I promise I won't leave you again." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tightly.

Hyejung didn't care if it's just a dream. Even if it was just for a moment, she wanted to hug Yunho, feel him close to her and tell him everything that she had been wanting to tell him. Hyejung wrapped her arms tightly around his body and took in his scent — her favourite.

They cried and stayed in each other's arms until both of them calmed down. Yunho helped her to stand up since her legs gave in and they sat on the bench.

"Can you not leave?" Her breath hitched as she spoke. "If you're going to leave then bring me with you."

Yunho chuckled. "Who's going to take care of Soobin then?"

"You—" Hyejung touched his face again. "You're not in my dream? This is not a dream?" She still can't believe her eyes.

Yunho raised his brows. "Hyejung, we're both back here to our old self and no, this is not a dream."

"But you—" she paused. "What had happened then? If this is not a dream then—but—your wound—" Her words jumbled as she tried to connect the dot; she was in a whirlwind of thought.

"I thought I was going to die as well but when I woke up I found myself back here. Whatever happened before was real. The scar was here, on my stomach. I don't know how I survived. I don't seem to have any memories after that." Yunho lifted up his shirt and showed her his scar. Hyejung fingers trailed on the scar on his stomach and tears pooled inside her eyes as she remembered that night.

"I'm glad you're alive." She looked up at Yunho and stared into his eyes. "I was looking for you but you didn't live there anymore. I thought your family had moved because they can't bear to live inside that house after your death."

"I thought I was in heaven when I woke up or maybe reincarnated into someone else."


There's a glint of amusement in his eyes. "My family, I mean, my parents, they have become rich. That's how I looked when I saw my room." He pointed at Hyejung's shock expression. "My room, well, let's just say the furniture inside would cost me my 4 months salary but when I looked at myself in the mirror, I was still myself. I looked for my parents and they were indeed my parents, it's just that they're rich now. We still live in this town but my parents bought a bigger house here."


"They won a lottery. You see, we're from the future right? I told dad the lottery number and I didn't expect him to trust me and win that grand prize. Dad bought a stock from this one successful company — I told him about that company before too — and that's how my family became richer. Basically, I'm a chaebol now," he chuckled.

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now