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"You guys can stay here for a night," Hongjoong said as he served them some biscuits and tea. "We are going to play fireworks at night."

"We didn't bring any spare clothes," Wooyoung answered.

"Worry not. We have extra clothes here from the donation. I thought of keeping it for the little kids when they grow up since their big brothers and sisters have their own clothes already—there's only 5 of them here anyway so they don't really need a lot of clothes." Hongjoong mentioned about the 5 orphans who's already in high school. They will usually live on their own once they graduate — though Hongjoong didn't mind if they want to stay here a bit longer — leaving only the smaller one here. He gathered that they wanted to be independent.

"What say you?" Yeosang nudged at San who seemed to be in a daze; he would sometimes steal a glance at both Yunho and Hyejung. Of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Yeosang since San had been strangely quiet after they played hide and seek.

"Uh, I don't mind." San shrugged.

"Of course you don't because you have more time to spend with her, right? Also, can you please don't make it obvious that you're staring at them." Yeosang whispered.

"When did I?" San said in defense which proved further that he's indeed staring at Yunho and Hyejung.

"I didn't mention who yet but you seemed to know already." Yeosang smirked, confirming his suspicion.

San was flabbergasted that his mouth closed and opened like a fish gasping for air. His friend never fails to read him like an open book; something that amazed San despite knowing that it was obvious since they had been friends for a very long time. "I can never read you accurately," San muttered, feeling unfair that Yeosang has the ability to do so and not him.

"That's because you're sometimes so dense. I always wear my feelings on my sleeve." Yeosang was always a straightforward person. He will say whatever that is on his mind and he didn't sugar-coat his words; some people might find it rude but he couldn't care less about that.

"So what's been bothering you?" Yeosang asked.


"Hyejung! San want—"

"Shut up, idiot!" San quickly covered Yeosang's mouth and laughed awkwardly at Hyejung who was now looking in their direction. "Nothing! I think he's drunk off caffeine from drinking so much tea." He grimaced when Yeosang licked his palm.

"Come here!" San dragged him towards a place where the others couldn't see or hear them. He let go of Yeosang and wiped his palm on his shirt, feeling disgusted that he licked it. "What the devil are you trying to say?"

"I'm about to say you want more tea. Your cup was empty," Yeosang chortled.

San rolled his eyes but still he felt relief that Yeosang at least didn't know about his real worries. He didn't know if he should tell his friend about what he accidentally heard. Well, he didn't have to because what he heard next confirmed that his friend too, heard it.

"You heard it, didn't you? About their son."

"How did you—"

"I was there too. I saw you hiding behind the bushes near where they hid — of course, before you silently crawled out and went towards Mingi's hiding — and I happened to hear them as I was about to catch you. It would be awkward if they heard us so I pretended I was not there."

"Don't you think it's weird to have a son of about 3 years old at the age of 20?"

"How did you know the age of that kid?"

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now