23: HURT

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Yunho poured a glass of water and brought it to a room where Soo Ah was resting. He placed it beside a bowl of warm porridge and sat on a chair. His eyes rested on the girl who was leaning her back against the headboard.

"Why are you not eating? Are you a kid? You're already as light as a feather. Eat something, will you?" he nagged.

Soo Ah had called him and asked for help. She was panting hard and Yunho was worried; he ran as fast as he could towards the studio where she was practicing. When he arrived there, he found Soo Ah alone, curling on the floor while holding her stomach. Her forehead was sweating profusely and her face contorted in pain.

Yunho carried her to a nearby hospital and the doctor said that she suffered from severe gastric because of her poor diet. After the doctor prescribed her medicine, Yunho brought her back to her apartment.

Soo Ah chuckled lightly. "You look like a worried father."

"Of course I am worried. You almost pass out at the studio and you're alone."

"But you came."

"That's because you called me. I wouldn't know if you didn't call. Now, eat this." He handed her a bowl of the warm porridge that he bought from a nearby stall. Soo Ah took the bowl and slowly started to eat.

"Are you living alone?" Yunho asked when he noticed the scarce furniture inside — he saw a few paintings which he assumed was Soo Ah's work — the house and it looked like she's the only occupant inside this apartment.

Soo Ah paused for a few seconds before she nodded meekly; she didn't look at Yunho, afraid that she would burst into tears in front of him. "My parents are always working," she added. It was like a miracle to her that her mother agreed to let her live by herself though the old woman would come to check on her from time to time; more like she's making sure her daughter abides by the rules she had enforced on her. Despite that, Soo Ah was still grateful that she at least got her time away from her strict mother.

"I'm fine with living by myself," she said when she noticed concern registered on Yunho's face.

"Are you not bored living alone?"

Soo Ah shrugged. "I think I'm used to it." She continued eating her porridge. "You can come here and accompany me if you want. Maybe I will feel less bored." She chuckled.

"You shouldn't let a man come to your house. It's dangerous."

"You're already here, anyway." Soo Ah laughed. "Don't worry, I won't let just anyone enter my house. You're a special guest."

"I feel honoured by that given title." Yunho let out a small laugh.

They both had conversations while Soo Ah finished her porridge until Yunho decided to head home. "I should be going now. It's getting late and I have class tomorrow."

Soo Ah pouted. "Time flies so fast. Anyway, thanks for helping. I don't know who to call." She looked down and fiddled with her fingers. Her parents were the last option she wanted to call though in contrast that's what people would normally do. She knew they didn't really care and she would end up getting scolded by her mother.

Yunho was the only friend Soo Ah made and could rely on; she wished they could be more than that but she's too shy to confess.

"I'll get going. Take care of yourself and make sure to eat your breakfast. I bought you a sandwich and placed it in your fridge," he said before he left, leaving Soo Ah to her usual loneliness.


Yunho stretched his hands over his head as his final lecture for the day just ended. He slept late last night since he finished his assignment that was supposed to be handed today. His eyes grew heavy and all he could think right now was his comfortable bed at home.

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