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Wooyoung gulped as he crossed towards the girl that he had been staring at the moment he landed his eyes on her. She was so beautiful — her smiles were mesmerising and the way her eyes were fluttering made his heart skip a beat.

He was determined to get her number and when Yunho seemed to show an interest towards her too, it made him become more competitive. I will get her number before that lanky does.

That's how he ended up stuttering in front of Yeji and her friends. He was ashamed of himself but despite that, it didn't stop him from completing his mission.

"Can I...have your number?" Wooyoung rubbed the back of his neck and blushed when Yeji looked up at him.

Yeji giggled before she whispered something to her friends, gaining a shock reaction from one of them.

"Are you crazy?" Hyejung whisper-yelled at Yeji when she suggested for Wooyoung to call over his friends and hang out with them.

"Why? It's going to be more fun to know more people."

"I kind of agree. We should talk to people since this is a party," Nara agreed and it baffled Hyejung. She was the least person Hyejung expected to agree with Yeji. Nara was not a social butterfly kind of person, unlike Yeji and her.

Did I travel back to the wrong dimension? Who is this girl? Hyejung looked at Nara up and down and the latter raised her brows in questioning.

"Sure but bring your friends along too. The more the merrier, don't you think?" Yeji winked at Wooyoung.

Hyejung wanted to curse at her fate when Yunho happened to sit in front of her. Out of those three men, why would this idiot sit in front of me?

She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her beer. The burning sensation that ran through her throat was making her cringe yet satisfied. It had been long since she had a beer. She was always busy with her job and taking care of Soobin.

Hyejung took a piece of marinated chicken wing in front of her and bit it. She smiled at the sweetness and spicy of the chicken besides the crunchy skin which sent her to heaven.

"Do you like chicken?" Seonghwa asked when he noticed Hyejung was on her second piece of the chicken wing.

"Yeah. They're delicious. Who doesn't like chicken anyway." Hyejung shrugged and was about to take another bite when her two friends looked at her as if she had committed a sin. "What's wrong?"

"You usually eat one or none," Yeji deadpanned and Nara nodded in agreement.

Hyejung stopped and put down her chicken. I forgot that I'm always on my diet. "I...haven't had my lunch so...two chicken wings?" she grinned like an idiot.

"Yeah, go on. It's not good to always skip a meal anyway and you're too skinny," Nara commented.

Yunho snorted at the word skinny, earning attention from the others as they turned towards him. "Uh, I'm just reminded of something funny," he lied.

"That girl looks like Jennie." Yunho tried to divert their attention by pointing at a girl who just walked past them.

Hyejung snapped her eyes at Yunho and gaped. Jennie? He doesn't mean Jennie from Blackpink, right?

"Jennie?" Seonghwa looked at her and creased his brows when he couldn't find any resemblance to Western's feature. "She looked like a pure Korean to me and who's this Jennie are you referring too?"

Yunho cursed at himself when all eyes on him again. "There's someone named Jennie. You guys will know her soon. She's so famous," he grinned like a fool. "I need to use the restroom." Yunho excused himself before he fell deep into his own trap.

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