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What is the definition of love at the first sight?

Is it when you feel like your heart is about to burst as soon as you see the person? What if when you see a person, you suddenly feel nervous and your mind becomes blank, will it be considered as love too?

Either way, San couldn't understand the meaning of love at first sight because he never experienced it; he didn't know if he would understand it one day.

"I'm going to go outside for a while," San told his friend, Yeosang who just shrugged at him as he was busy talking with the girls that surrounded him.

San never wanted to attend the party but Yeosang made him go. He wanted to curse at Yeosang when the girls kept on bothering him with too many annoying questions. San was aware that they're only interested in his handsome face — he's not bragging about it — but they kept on complimenting him to the point he sometimes got sick of it.

San never reveals to anyone who his father is; only Yeosang — his childhood and best friend — knew about it. He didn't like it when people swarm around him and try to get on his good side, hoping that they will at least get a crumb of something.

While he was outside, he saw a stray cat and a wide smile crept on his face. San crouched and rubbed the back of the cat's ear, earning a pur from it.

"You're so cute," he cooed at the cat who was now rubbing its body on San's leg. His momentary joy was interrupted when a mysterious flying can hit his forehead. "Ouch!" San yelped in pain and snapped his head towards the direction where the can came from.

San saw a silhouette of a woman — who happened to be Hyejung — but he couldn't see her face properly as it was dark. "Is it intentional or unintentional?" He made his way towards the woman.

"Excuse me?" Hyejung asked and San rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"You kick that beer can towards me," San complained and pointed towards the can that she just kicked.

"Choi San?" She gasped when she saw his face.

San cocked his brows when the stranger who he just met happened to know his name. "How did you know my name?" Her face came into view and San could see clearly her big doe eyes and her almond shaped face.

"Huh?" Hyejung realised that they're strangers and yet to know each other; it still surprised her that they happened to live in the same town. Wait, did he go to the same university as me? There's only one university here so he must be. How can I not meet him before?

Hyejung's memories flashed in front of her and she finally remembered that Yeji once talked about San and Yeosang, two famous duos in their university.

She scoffed at herself when she realised that she was smitten by Yunho her love at first sight back then and didn't care about neither San nor Yeosang so their names never etched inside her memories.

Hyejung cleared her throat. "You're famous so it's a no surprise that I knew your name," She's not entirely lying - it's true that Choi San was quite famous in the university but that's not how she remembered his name.

San's attention was diverted when he saw a group of men were staring down at her legs but she's oblivious to their perverted eyes. He just noticed that she's wearing jeans shorts, revealing her milky thigh.

San took off his jacket and handed it to her. "Here, wear this."

Hyejung threw him a quizzical look — it's not even cold outside for him to offer his jacket to her. Is he trying to flirt with me? "I'm not even cold."

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