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"Yunho, what's wrong with you?" Coach Lee asked when Yunho kept on missing his shot during the practice. More than that, his mind seemed to be somewhere else; he's not focusing on the game.

"Pardon me, I think I'm not feeling well," he apologised. He's indeed not feeling well. After the incident inside the locker room a few days ago, his mind can't get off on the remarks they made on him and especially Hyejung. It became worse when they were practising together today. It brought back the anger that had long diminished inside him.

He just did his best to live a better life but why did it seem like he's committing a sin instead?

Why did life make him look like he's a sinner?

Was life being cruel to him?

Coach Lee sighed. "Guys, we take a 15 minutes rest. Yunho, if you're not feeling well I suggest you take a rest and come back for practice after you recover. You can't play when your mind is not focusing."

Yunho inclined his head and strolled towards the side bench and slumped onto it. "Mate, what's wrong?" Wooyoung approached and sat beside him, followed by Seonghwa. "You seem to be off these past few days. Is there anything wrong going on?"

Both Seonghwa and Wooyoung were still unaware that Yunho had heard everything inside the locker room.

"Nothing. I'm just not feeling well—what are you doing?" Yunho was perplexed when Seonghwa suddenly placed his palm on his forehead.

"You are well physically. It's your heart that is not feeling well, huh? Anything bothering you? You can tell us."

Wooyoung nodded.

"I said I'm fine. Uh, I'm just tired from revising for the test," he made up an excuse. "I'm going to buy a can drink from the vending machine." He stood up and went to the vending machine outside, leaving his friend dumbfounded. He's not in the mood of being interrogated by his friends.

Yunho leaned against the wall besides the vending machine as he took a sip of the cold drink. A heavy sigh left his lips. He was having a whirlwind of thoughts that it drained him mentally and physically.

It's been long since he felt that angry.

He hates that it also reminded him of the day when he and Hyejung decided to get divorced. All the feelings that he had pent up for years were unleashed that day. If only he had a bit of control of himself, maybe the divorce wouldn't have happened.

Maybe she won't get hurt and they can have a nice face-to-face talk with each other.

Maybe they won't be here either.

He sucked in a breath and emptied the can before he threw it inside the bin. He was about to head back inside when he heard voices; it was the same group from the changing room.

"She came again."

"I told you she's hot, don't I? Forget about Soo Ah, should I make a move on her? She's way hotter."

Are they talking about Hyejung again? Yunho clenched his fists.

"I literally drool over her hot body. I mean she doesn't have to wear tight clothes to show that her body is hot."

"You're right."

They laughed, not knowing that Yunho was listening to all their disgusting talk. He couldn't hold it anymore as he stomped towards them. His anger heightened with every step he took.

"Shit, Yunho you scared the shit out of me," one of the guys said.

"Say it again and I'll make sure you can't walk," Yunho said through his greeted teeth,

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now