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A 7 years old kid, with a dark brown and slightly curled hair was blinking his small slit eyes at two young gentlemen who were approaching the orphanage. His hand was holding the small hand of his little brother whom in contrast owned bigger shaped eyes than him. The smaller kid was sucking his big lollipop while watching the gentlemen approaching them.

"Mingi, Jongho, what are you doing outside?" An older man approached the two siblings and crouched besides them.

"Mr. Kim, are they going to play with us?" The smaller kid's eyes sparkled as he asked the question to the older man.

Hongjoong smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. He's always fond of kids. It has been 5 years since he took over Star Orphanage from his father and had taken good care of this place. He had spent most of his childhood here while helping his father as well as making friends of the other kids from this orphanage. "Of course, Jongho. What would you like to play with them?"

"Hmm—" Jongho lips puckered as he tried to think of a game. "Can we play hide and seek?"

"Sure. We can play with the others too," Hongjoong replied and he stood up when the two gentlemen stopped in front of them. "Mr. Kang must be busy," he said.

"My father is always busy. I can't remember when was the last time he stayed at home for more than a day," Yeosang said and he crouched in front of the two boys. "Hi Mingi and Jongho. I brought my friend today." He pointed at San who gave them his wide dimpled smile.

"Is he going to play with us, hyung?" Jongho asked excitedly. Yeosang nodded. "I'm going to call the others!" Jongho ran inside the orphanage to call his friends.

"How's your new school, Mingi?" Yeosang asked the curled hair boy.

"It's good! I made a lot of friends!" The boy smiled widely and his small eyes turned into a thin line. "Hyung, Mr. Kim said someone is going to come today!"

Yeosang cocked his head at Mr. Kim. "Is there anyone coming besides us, Hongjoong hyung?" Yeosang treated Hongjoong like his own brother; they had been friends since Yeosang's father always donated his money to this orphanage. He and San would sometimes volunteer there and that's how San and Hongjoong knew each other.

"Oh, they are volunteers from your school. They are there!" Honjoong pointed at a group of students approaching the orphanage.

San and Yeosang averted their gazes to the said group and their eyes widened when they recognised who they were. An amused chuckle left Yeosang's lips. "Seems like your lover is here." He nudged at San.

San quickly covered Yeosang's mouth before he could say more as he was embarrassed with Hongjoong. The latter was clueless as to what Yeosang was talking about but his attention was shifted when he heard the giggling sound of the kids coming out of the building.

"You dragged us here for this?" Yunho whispered at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung nodded at both Yunho and Seonghwa. He and Yeji had saw an advertisement about the volunteer work at this orphanage so they decided to spend their weekend there with their friends too.

"You can just go with Yeji and have a date with her while you're at it." Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"Come on. You guys had taken care of Soobin before." Wooyoung wrapped his hands around their shoulders. "And you, Yunho, you're good with kids, don't you. This will be a piece of cake for you."

"Well—" Yunho's eyes travelled towards Hyejung who was walking ahead with Yeji and Nara. They were conversing about something that seemed amusing, judging from their laughter. Just then, his eyes caught two familiar gentlemen standing near the entrance of the building with a man that Yunho assumed, the owner of the orphanage. "Did you invite them too?"

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