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The pure dark night felt like a comfort to Yunho as he sat on a bench and stared aimlessly at the stars that were decorating the black sky. His surroundings were quiet and serene, only the sound of crickets can be heard.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting there — he was sitting on a bench at a small hill where he can see the outstretch of the small town from above — but he cared less about the time now. He didn't care about the night that was getting colder as time passed by.

A small smile made its way on his face when he remembered that he had proposed to Hyejung years ago right at where he was sitting right now. The memory felt fresh to him as if it just happened yesterday.

Yunho remembered how Hyejung cried in happiness when he slid the ring onto her finger. The diamond on the ring sparkled as the light from the moon shone upon it. They kissed each other, a very long and full of love kiss which held a thousand promises. They swore to heaven that they will love and protect each other until death separates them.

His eyes glistened with tears as he turned to look at the empty spot besides him. Yunho had planned to bring Hyejung here after the festival but it seemed like their fate might not be intertwined again.

"That's the reason why we both travelled here, aren't they?" Yunho muttered as if Hyejung was there with him. "That we should find our own happiness and I guess you already found yours, Hyejung."

A shaky breath left his lips as he continued, "It's lie if I said I don't want you in my life again. I do but I don't think I deserve that chance. I don't think you will need me again."

"I hope you will be happy, Hyejung," he said with a sad smile.

Yunho wiped the tears that fell on his cheeks and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He didn't know how he should move on from this. The lad thought he already did but he was wrong.

He never once moved on from her.

He reached for his pocket and took out a small plastic bag that was filled with seeds; he's not sure himself what seed it is. Yunho bought those seeds at the same shop he bought the Tulips for Hyejung. He wanted to plant it with Hyejung; it is a tree for Soobin.

His son had once said he wanted a small tree for himself. Since they don't have their own backyard as they lived in an apartment complex, Yunho thought he might plant it when they manage to buy a new landed house.

Now he's not sure himself if they will return back to the future. Thus he thought about planting it for Soobin.

"I guess I will plant this myself." It's a present for Soobin though he's not sure if he will be able to meet Soobin again.

Yunho looked up at the night sky. "My handsome boy, Soobin, daddy will keep the promise to plant you a tree. I don't know if you can hear or see me, but I hope you will find this tree."


Hyejung propped her elbow on the soft sofa as she rested her head on her hand. Her eyes were fixed on the random show on the television. She was alone at home as her parents went to visit her grandparents and her sister was out of town for a holiday with her friends.

Her parents planned to sleep overnight at her grandparents and she had to refuse because she had assignments to do which she failed to do right now; her mind was preoccupied with something else. Hyejung didn't know herself what she was watching but she wanted to distract her mind from thinking about the confession that San had made a few days ago.

Hyejung gave up watching the television and laid on her back on the sofa as she stared blankly at the ceiling above. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.

20 AGAIN // Jeong YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now