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"Seriously, you called us early in the morning for this?" Seonghwa's upper lips curled in disdain.

It was unexpected of Wooyoung to ask both him and Yunho to help him taking care of his cousin's son. It's not like he hates kids but Seonghwa was not in the mood of babysitting especially during his precious weekend.

Wooyoung grinned and his eyes glinted with desperation. "It's impossible for me to take care of him by myself. My mother had an urgent matter to attend and my cousin was out of town."

Seonghwa and Yunho peered down towards a little boy who was hiding behind Wooyoung's legs while peeping at the two strangers in front of him. He hid his face quickly behind Wooyoung when Yunho bent down to his eye level.

"What's your name?" Yunho asked with a cheerful tone.

The boy reluctantly answered. "Soobin." He stole a glance at Yunho.

Yunho's smile faded as soon as the boy answered as he was reminded of his son; his name slipped from his memories the moment his soul travelled back here. Guilt washed over him.

How can I forget about my son, Soobin?

Yunho studied Soobin's face — it was obvious that they bore no similarity but his round sparkling eyes and pouty lips reminded him of his Soobin.

Seonghwa sighed from behind. "Since we're here, let's go inside."

Yunho couldn't stop looking at Soobin while all of them were sitting in front of the television at the living room; his stares caused the boy to feel intimidated and he hid himself behind Wooyoung.

"Stop staring, will you? You're scaring the poor boy," Wooyoung said to Yunho.

Yunho blinked his eyes as if someone snapped him back to reality. "Uh, sorry. He's too adorable," Yunho said with a smile. "Soobin, I'm not a scary guy, don't worry. This uncle here is more scary." Yunho pointed at Seonghwa and the latter shot daggers at him.

"Do you want to build a rocket with me?" It was his son's favourite thing to do. They will build a rocket from empty boxes and decorate it with crayon.

Soobin blinked at Yunho as he considered his invitation. He bit his lower lips and nodded; a wide smile appeared on Yunho's face before he disappeared into the kitchen to find the necessary tools.

Yunho's bond with Soobin was instantly formed while building the rocket and colouring them with crayon. The little boy giggled when Yunho made funny faces and told him some funny stories.

Seonghwa and Wooyoung were baffled at the interactions that Yunho had with Soobin. It never crossed their minds that Yunho knew how to babysit a 4 years old boy; it seemed natural as if Yunho had been doing it for years.

"I didn't know you're actually good with kids," Wooyoung said in a mocking tone.

Yunho shrugged. "I've been doing it for years. This is just a piece of cake," he said without realising as he was too focused on perfecting the details on the rocket.

"I didn't know you babysit someone's child." Seonghwa cocked his brows.

"Uncle, can we put the sticker here?" Soobin asked excitedly, interrupting the conversation. "Oh, I want to draw a Dino too!"

"Sweetie, I don't think Dino suits to be on the rocket. Should we draw something else? Perhaps, a little astronaut?" Yunho told Soobin in a gentle tone.

Both Wooyoung and Seonghwa's jaws dropped when Yunho called Soobin sweetie. "Am I hearing it right?" Seonghwa asked Wooyoung and the latter nodded.

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